So our peaceful Easter evening last Sunday (with the kids at my mom and dad's out in Spearfish) ended very abruptly at 9:00 p.m. (a few minutes after hitting "enter" on my last post!!) - I get a call from my mom saying Noah was throwing up. UGGH. So Mark and I hopped in the car, and met them at a halfway point - Noah came home with us, and Jack stayed with Grandma and Grandpa. I expected to be up all night with him, but surprisingly he slept well, and was fine in the morning. We don't know if he was sick with a virus or if it was his anxiety getting the best of him . . .? Either way, he left a fine mess at my mom and dad's, which I still feel horrible about. Again - remember my "what's with the stomach-flu-at-night" question below? WHY IS THAT???
Then yesterday, Noah came home from school rather upset because someone in his class threw up at school (and then afterwards was sitting in Noah's chair). :) YUCK, when does this end?? So we're on pins and needles now, wondering if Noah was contaminated and we'll end up with yet another weekend ruined. I'm such a germaphobe, I know I need to get over it but we've had such an awful year health-wise, I'm just SO ready for a break. Anyway, enough whining . . .
We're hard at work on our family room downstairs, in the midst of our furniture switch - had part of it delivered and set up this week - here's the finished entertainment center:

We are LOVING this hi-def business - didn't know much about it until last week, but it's just awesome. The picture is totally amazing. Now we're waiting for the sectional to arrive on Tuesday - that's the part the kids are the most excited about.
Tomorrow the kids have their last basketball game :( and then we are off to Spearfish for Cayel's birthday party. Other than that, we have a pretty quiet weekend, which we are SO looking forward to!! Have a good one!
1 comment:
Looks like a pretty cool set up! Randy got a pore magnifying TV for himself a couple months ago! HD does have its perks! I called Midco today, and lo and behold..the HD package is free with DVR..amazing. And I was missing out on NatGeoHD all this time!
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