It seems like a lot has happened since the last post, even though it's only been a few days! Jack and Noah had Wednesday, Thursday and Friday off from school, and it was so nice having them around - I loved it. It made me anxious for summer. We lounged around each morning, taking our time getting going, and did some fun things together each day. We decorated a gingerbread "Bunny Hutch" (basically a gingerbread house, but it came with sugar bunnies, spring-y decorations and pastel frostings), we colored Easter eggs, played games, read books, and they even went furniture shopping with me which was actually fun to do with them. More on that below.
Friday night we went to an excellent Good Friday service at the kids' school - Zion Lutheran - and it was pretty cute, Noah fell asleep on Mark's lap 10 minutes into the service and slept through the whole thing. He hasn't done that since he was a baby! Just worn out, I guess. Saturday we goofed around, finalized our furniture issue, and my mom and dad came in from Spearfish for dinner and to spend the evening/night with us. Saturday night, Mark and I concocted a "nighttime" egg hunt - hid eggs with reflective strips around the downstairs and the kids had to find them in the pitch dark with their flashlights. They loved it, and found them all. Today was a great Easter - another, more "official" egg hunt for the kids this morning; a fantastic

Speaking of TVs - here's our furniture issue - on Wednesday night our "main" TV, downstairs in our family room, basically blew up. We knew something was wrong because the picture kept going out, but on Wednesday the picture completely went out, it started shrieking (!) and then we could smell burning plastic. Nice. Well, you can't buy the "old fashioned" TVs anymore, so we made the inevitable upgrade to an LCD, which of course doesn't fit into our old entertainment center . . . so we also had to find something to put the new TV on. Anyway, we got it all squared away now, with the new items being delivered this week. Hopefully we are technologically saavy enough to figure out this new equipment!
Yesterday, our precious nephew-to-be (Josh's fiance's son) turned 2, so a special happy birthday to you, sweet Cayel! We're looking forward to your party next week!
Lastly, Jack had a big night Saturday night - he lost his first upper tooth. He looks so different, but SO cute. We love making him smile at us, but he's quickly getting annoyed with that. So, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy collided at our house Sat. night, and the Tooth Fairy left his money in an Easter egg on his nightstand. :) He thought that was hilarious. Here's my baby - like my mom pointed out, I remember when we were so excited about this tooth coming IN!

Oh my gosh... Jack looks so cute!
And, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the Easter Egg - reflective tape/flashlight idea! I'm so doing that next year!
I like the new pictures- very cute Happy Easter!
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