He's finally here!! We have a new nephew! Right on time, actually - we all just jumped the gun a little and thought he should have been here a week ago, since mommy was READY. He already doesn't listen very well . . . . We are just thankful for a wonderfully healthy little boy, weighing in at a plump 8 lbs. 4 oz. He entered the world on Tuesday night in Cedar Rapids, IA, after a short labor - only 4 hours, but a grueling 4 hours for my sister, who didn't get an epidural unfortunately (not by choice!). She's recovering and thankfully has my mom and dad there to help her and Lane for a few days. I'm wishing like crazy I could hop in the car and drive across SD and IA to be with them, like when Colby was born, but unfortunately I can't - too many things I'm responsible for here at home at the moment, and we're also dealing with a "Noah issue" - severe separation anxiety of all things. We didn't experience this with either Jack or Noah at the "normal" age of separation anxiety - 2-4 - so we're really shocked by this and trying to figure out how to handle it! He's having panic attacks at school after I drop him off - can't stand saying goodbye to Mark in the morning before work, cries at bedtime if a babysitter is here, etc. I'm hoping this passes soon - it's truly exhausting for all of us.
Anyway, here's another photo - the proud grandma (my mom), Aaron and big brother Colby:

Congratulations, Betsy and Lane, we're sending you our love and prayers. Welcome to the world, little Aaron!!
Congratulations Auntie!
Separation issues are tough. I know my boys go through little bouts of it...I've learned to just build trust, and give them lots of love!
Maybe you could give him something special of yours to "hold for you" in his pocket or backpack until he gets home, and visa versa?
Awww! Congrats to Betsy and Lane! He is precious:)
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