Wow, I can't believe it's already been 10 days since my last update! Not much to report from here, I guess - we spent an entire week trying to get acclimated to our "non-vacation" schedule again . . . for some reason we had a really hard time getting back on mountain time (a two hour difference from FL) . . . Noah and Jack had a rough time going back to school after getting VERY used to being around mom and dad every day :) . . . and I personally came back to several not-very-pleasant "issues". However, we pulled out of the post-vacation blues nicely and are in the full swing of things again!!
Last Saturday the boys started the "Upwards Basketball" program at Open Bible church (huge church here in Rapid that sponsors the program in which 700+ kids participate!) The kindergarten program is great because it's only on Saturdays - 1/2 hour practice, followed by a 1/2 hour game - so not a big time commitment, which makes for happy parents!! Anyway, Jack and Noah LOVED it, it was such a blast seeing how much fun they had. Jack was just a machine, terribly focused and determined (will need to work on taming some aggressiveness!), and Noah was just happy, happy, happy to be out there actually playing basketball. They've been counting days until they get to play again - - although I had Jack home sick from school today, so he's desperately hoping that he's better by Saturday! He's had a fever and cough, but seems to be better tonight.

Jack in action . . . (couldn't get Noah - our camera wasn't cooperating!!)
Jack and Noah (in the middle, in the navy blue) celebrating a score . . . .

We had a fantastic Valentine's Day - I got my yearly "heart" from Mark - each year we've been married, he's given me a different heart (with chocolates), and so this year I got #12. Every year we get all of them out and display them - they are each marked with the year so we can reflect - and it's so cute, the boys even have their favorites now. Here's the past 11 years:
And here's my new one!! The 2008 heart. Looks kinda pink in the picture, but it's RED. Love it!! Mark adopted this tradition from his dad, who has given Mark's mom 38 of these, no joke!!! Those Roisum men definitely have a romantic side!
Anyway, this morning Jack was on a mission - I had to run quick to pick up and deliver a gift to a friend, and on this errand, Jack asked if I would help him out by buying three decorated cookies that he could give to 3 people for Valentine's Day. I thought it was pretty cute, so I went along with it. When we got back home, he headed to his room with the cookies and some Valentines in hand, and came out 1/2 hour later looking pretty pleased with himself. He refused to tell me who they were for, so I just let it go. When it came time to pick up Noah from school, I told him to grab his special Valentine gifts and we could deliver them - but he said no, we didn't need to bring them to school. So at that point I figured they were either for people in our family or friends at church. Well this evening after Mark got home, Jack had us (me, Mark and Noah) sit on the couch and then he very proudly presented US with his 3 decorated cookies, with Valentines to each of us very carefully attached. It was SO sweet, we were amazed.
Anyway, we spent the evening thoroughly enjoying reading our cards, eating the Valentine cupcakes I baked today, naming the boys' new Webkinz from mom and dad, and they also had a good time opening all their Valentines from school.

The kids now have a 4-day weekend - they have Friday and Monday off - so they are headed to Grandma and Grandpa's in Spearfish tomorrow to spend the night and Mommy and Daddy get to GO OUT on a date!! We're very excited. :) Have a great weekend!
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