Tuesday, February 19, 2008

The Bucket List

Last Friday, Jack and Noah went out to stay with Grandma and Grandpa in Spearfish so Mark and I could go out on a "Valentine" date . . . and we had a great night - ate at Red Lobster (yeahh!! I got my favorite, crab legs!) and then went to THE BEST movie - The Bucket List. We love Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman, and together they were hilarious. Premise: these two have cancer and a short time left, and come up with a list of things they want to do before they "kick the bucket." Crass term, I know, but the movie certainly makes you think. It was just a great movie - we would highly recommend it!!

Having a crazy week here - I had a church meeting last night, MOPS and tennis today, sorority and Awana tomorrow night, Mark's men's group on Thursday night, and 3 doctor appointments mixed in (1 for Noah, 2 for me). Had Noah in yesterday for a cough - learned he probably has acid reflux, so we're trying a prescription for that for the next 2 weeks to see if he improves. Anyway, I'm already looking forward to THIS WEEKEND so we can have some peaceful family time together! We are trying very hard to be conscious of how involved the boys get - limiting them to two activities, but combine those with mine and Mark's "stuff" and things get hectic around here pretty quick. Once I'm done with MOPS this year, and done planning our church's women's spring retreat, I'm going to do some serious thinking before committing to anything else for a while!

Now for my down time . . .off to watch American Idol!!

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