On Saturday, we got up, went for coffee, ran some errands, and then watched the boys' basketball game - it is amazing to both Mark and I how EXCITED they get for basketball. They absolutely love it. We love watching it, it's so entertaining - Noah is much more reserved and Jack is a wild man - he's got drive and determination all over his face, and is very aggressive. I'm constantly concerned that I'm going to end up apologizing to some mother because Jack took out their kid . . . . Anyway, we love going to watch, it's hilarious. Then we headed home and the kids played MORE basketball in the driveway with Mark for most of the afternoon - it was 50 here. Last night, we got a babysitter and Mark and I went out with some friends for a long dinner, which was really nice.
Today we went to church, came home and the boys played MORE basketball in the driveway with Mark (can you tell they have a new obsession?) and afterwards the kids and I read a couple of their favorite books while Mark went and had an awesome tennis match.
This evening instead of our traditional Sunday "pizza and movie night" we had "pizza and Monopoly" night - a continuation of our Friday night game. Let me tell you, these kids are crazy about this game, and it's SO FUNNY playing with them - they are just a riot. Our new nickname for Jack is Alex P. Keaton - he's hardcore and is darn serious about his money - he can cite the rent amounts for us without even looking at the property cards. At one point he was cleaning out his coffers to buy houses, and when I told him he should hang onto a few bucks, he said "Mom, you gotta spend money to make money." I about fell off my chair. Can you tell his Dad is in the brokerage industry? :) Noah, on the other hand, is Mr. Nice Guy - he's willing to trade you whatever property you might need (and even throw in a few extra bucks for you in case you need it!) - even if it means hurting himself in the process (obviously we don't take advantage of him). Noah has also perfected the puppy-dog eyes when he's low on funds - and it's not an act. It's really stinkin' cute. I was laughing so hard, it was so fun. We ended the evening with Noah landing on Jack's Illinois Ave. with
3 houses on it ("that'll be $750" says Jack) - but Jack being the loving brother let him off at $100 - - mainly because he didn't want the game to end. :) So we carefully saved the game, and will pick it up again later this week . . . stay tuned!

The other new "favorite" the boys have are what they call "chapter books" - longer books with chapters (and no pictures) that I read to them, and they just listen. Jack's teacher started them on the Boxcar Children books - read #1 for them in class and Jack was HOOKED. We read #1 at home to get Noah caught up, and now we're on #2. We read a little each day and they are just enthralled, which is so interesting to me because these books were written back in the 1940's. Whatever, all that matters to me is that they are totally into reading - I love that. They both have just taken off with their own reading - they are at an end-of-1st grade level - only halfway through kindergarten - so we're pretty excited ab
out that. Anyway, at Border's on Friday they picked out two of "The Puppy Place" books - more chapter books - and we started "Pugsley" today, about a misbehaving pug puppy. It's pretty funny, and Jack and Noah were laughing so hard at this book, I could hardly continue because I was laughing so hard at them. They were literally rolling on the couch - so this should be a good series too!

Now we are set for the QUIETEST, least busy week we have had in MONTHS - I'm so happy about it I could do a little dance. No doctor appointments, no MOPS, no sorority, no Awana, no meetings - nothing but school. What an awesome feeling! Maybe I'll get some heavy-duty cleaning done - as in cleaning out closets, drawers, etc., getting ready for the spring garage sale. I do need to get some work done on the church women's retreat that I'm coordinating, but that's kinda fun work anyway.
Friday, Grandma 'Rayne and Grandpa Paul from Willmar (Mark's parents) are coming for the weekend - YEAH! We've been trying to get them out here for months, so we're pretty excited they are able to make it. Speaking of, I have to mention this - in my last update, I posted a picture of my newest Valentine heart from Mark, and mentioned this was his Dad's tradition as well - - well, GET THIS - we found out that Mark's Dad bought his Mom THE EXACT SAME HEART AS MARK GOT ME. They didn't consult each other - they just figured this out today. Amazing, huh?
We're also anxiously awaiting the birth of our new nephew - any day now - ? My sister in Cedar Rapids, IA is about to pop - that baby boy weighs 8.5 pounds already, so we're hoping he makes his debut soon!!
Last thing to show you - about 45 minutes after tucking the boys in bed tonight, I thought I'd sneak in their rooms and get some cute sleeping pictures of them - here's what I got:
My sweet baby Noah, snuggled up with his puppy Max . . . (Tugs is in there too, just can't see him . . . .)

And Jack . . . ummm yeah . . . .
1 comment:
I love this post! Too cute! You guys are such a great family!
Anyway, you should try reading the Magic Tree House series too (chapter books also). Nathan really likes them. As for us, we're going to try your suggestions as well! Thanks for sharing!
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