I just returned from Scottsdale, AZ a few hours ago (let me tell you, quite the climate change!! Came home to 7 degrees and snow!) where I attended a conference this weekend on Focus on the Family's "The Truth Project" with my mom and dad. What is The Truth Project? It is a "comprehensive systematic biblical worldview study." Long definition, I know - but wow, it's truly amazing material. I first went through the entire "project" last year in church and was deeply affected by it - so when my dad recently starting talking about going to Scottsdale to sit under the instruction of Dr. Del Tackett (the creator) for a weekend, I jumped at the chance to go with him and my mom. I have never in my life met a speaker/teacher that I could literally sit and listen to for days on end, but this man is it. He is so remarkable, and his passion for, and awe of, God is highly contagious. It was just a fantastic weekend of learning and soul-searching. I came home with many things to ponder over and pray about. It was also fun to experience a little of AZ for the first time - I LOVED Scottsdale, but could see pretty quickly that it's definitely a playground for the wealthy! May not be vacationing there any time soon . . . We didn't have much free time, but did find a couple excellent restaurants, and definitely enjoyed the warm dry weather. I left early Friday morning so it was a quick trip, but I was ready to see my babies again!! The boys had a fun-filled bachelor weekend, as Mark called it - playing basketball at the Y, a Monopoly game that evidently carried on the whole weekend, tennis, cooking, watching football - they fit a lot into a couple days!
Now I keep trying to get my head around the fact that I'll be right back at the airport on Saturday morning, except this time with my family, for our Walt Disney World vacation. The kids have tomorrow off from school, which is nice to have a leisurely day with them at home, getting my head back in the game.
We received good news a few days ago - Jack and Noah got into the first grade at Zion, thank heavens!! Even though we're relieved, I'm feeling for those who wound up on the waiting list. I hope something works out in the coming weeks and months so they can get in . . . .
Well, The Amazing Race finale awaits - as does my husband! :) Have a great week!
1 comment:
Sounds like you had fun!
Sorry I didn't get to say Hi to you this morning! HI!
What a busy morning!
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