Friday, January 25, 2008

Mission: DISNEY

Tomorrow we head out on our adventure to conquer Walt Disney World in Orlando, FL with two six year olds who are currently so excited they are behaving like 2 of the 101 Dalmatians. I've kept them home from school yesterday and today in order to 1) theoretically get them to REST (ha) and 2) to keep them from getting infecting with all the yucky viruses going around school - Influenza B being one of them. So far, goal #1 is NOT happening, but I'm still hopeful on the success of #2. Meanwhile, I've finished reading my 850 page manual on all things Disney (not kidding!) - it's the "UNofficial" guide - meaning they tell you all kinds of things Disney would prefer you didn't know. :) It's been very helpful so far, we'll see how all the theories and tips pan out once we get there! I have 100 little sheets of paper on my coffee table with my notes and details about optimal times to hit each ride, "crowd calendars" I've printed off the internet for each of the parks, forecasts for each day, daily events at each park, ideal days to visit each park along with days NOT to visit each park, restaurant reservation numbers, etc. Uggh! Lucky for us, we're are going during a slow week, so hopefully I won't need much of this info. I'm one who likes to be highly prepared and have A PLAN for nearly everything I do, but I had no idea how involved maneuvering around Disney could be - WOW. It's been comforting, however, to find out that there are people out there who are WAY more Type A than me! I think I have a good balance of schedule vs. spontanaeity going for this trip, so I'm comfortable and even getting excited to tackle this. I'm also thinking of opening a consulting business once we get back . . . . .

We had a small moment of panic when we realized that Frontier Airlines had scattered the 4 of us around the plane, none of us sitting together (yeah right, like THAT'S going to work with kids), but that was quickly resolved this morning when I remembered we could check in from home (within 24 hours of departure), and found that the entire front row was open! So we are all very happily seated, TOGETHER, in the front row for our 3.5 hour flight from Denver to Orlando. Whew!

Anyway, I'd better get back at it - lots of packing tro finish today and my bedtime is 9:00 tonight since we have to be up at 4:00 a.m. to make our 6:00 a.m. flight. Gonna need LOTS of Starbucks tomorrow! Wish us luck - I'll be posting updates next week from ground zero, so check up on us!

1 comment:

BareFoot Finn said...

I hope you have lots of fun!