Last Sunday we got a call from one of Mark's college buddies, Mike, inviting us to join them for a Colorado Eagles game this weekend. He has access to a box suite at the Budweiser Center in
Loveland, home arena of the Colorado Eagles, a minor league hockey team. We'd never been to one before, but evidently they have a huge following - have sold out 145 consecutive games and have a great record. Another one of Mark's buddies, Blake and his family, from Breckenridge, were coming too and surprisingly, we had the weekend open (how did that happen??!), so we quickly accepted and drove down on Friday after school. We haven't seen these families for a couple of years, so it was amazing it worked out on such a last-minute basis!
We had absolutely the best time - spent many hours just catching up on our lives, and the kids all had a blast playing together. They have a
Wii, so we all had our first experience with that, and Jack and Noah were hooked in the first 5 minutes. They played the tennis, golf and bowling games all day Saturday - even the adults joined in periodically - I had no idea that thing could be so much fun! I was so impressed - and gaming systems don't impress me much. Here's Noah in the middle of a golf swing - the boys were much better at this than mom and dad!

Saturday evening, Lisa cooked the BEST Mexican dinner for all of us (13 total!), and then we were off to the game!

Here's Jack and Noah in the suite - which was totally amazing - couch, chairs, bar with barstools, TV, food, drinks, etc. THIS is the way to do sporting events!! (ha ha) We all got free t-shirts which is why you see all the boys in blue . . . .

Of course all the boys got the front row of the box - I NEVER thought ours would make it for the whole game (in fact we even drove separately just in case!) - but to our shock and awe, they were GLUED to this game from the first minute through the last. It was just amazing. The only time they came out of their seats was for food . . . and a couple other reasons you'll see below . . .

Doesn't Jack just have that look like "oh yeah, I'm all that . . ." Thinkin' he's pretty cool!

Here's Mark and Mike . . .

And us girls . . .

Mike utilized his "connections" and arranged for the cheerleaders to come visit the kids - oh my word, I wish I could have captured the look on the boys' faces when these gals showed up at the door - - it was PRICELESS! (Jack is in the middle - Noah's on the far right)

And he also arranged for the mascot to show up as well - here he is
harassing the boys . . .

And a group shot . . .they thought this was the coolest thing . . . .

It was even a great suspenseful hockey game - the Eagles won by one. Towards the end of the game, the boys had figured out how to jump up and down in unison, capturing a cameraman's attention, and got themselves up on the jumbotron. That just sent them through the roof, they were so excited. It was such a great evening - and one the kids will NOT forget anytime soon. They jabbered nonstop the whole car ride back to Mike and Lisa's after the game about the events of the evening - hardly took a breath, they were so excited about all of it. It's so amazing to see your kids have so much fun, and it's even better when they are so appreciative of it!!
Today after breakfast, we headed home - exhausted and sleep-deprived but so glad we were spontaneous and did this. It was just the best weekend. Thanks Mike and Lisa - you guys ROCK - and Blake and Toni, you too, it was great to catch up with you again! Hope we can all get together again soon, like we talked about!
Back to normalcy tomorrow - sometime in the next few days we should be hearing whether or not the kids got into Zion for next year. They have two kindergarten classes, but only one first grade class, so there's a small math problem there, and we are hoping we "make the cut." On Friday I'm headed to Phoenix with my mom and dad for a seminar on "The Truth Project" (I have their link on the right side of this blog). I'm really excited to go, this is such an amazing seminar - but of course will miss all my boys! :) They'll have a good bachelor weekend though, doing all the things mom won't allow . . . :) Mark's already making plans. Have a great week!
Looks like you all had a wonderful time!!! Thanks for posting the pics, Anne.
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