Sunday, September 29, 2013

Email Updates Continued (Days 6 through departure) . . .

Day 6
Today was hard.  Mark and I are feeling like we've been chewed up and spit out.  We picked up Maggie today at 9:00 a.m. and had her until 4:00, and she never slept a wink.  The past couple days we'd been laying down with her in front of the Lorax (the movie) and she'd zonk out within 5 minutes.  Well, she figured out that routine and wasn't going to be conned into THAT anymore.  She was so tired, but threw a fit any time we tried to lay down with her.  And she got really aggressive today - lots of hitting, especially Mark, when he'd try to get her to settle down.  We've been trained that this can happen, so it's not entirely shocking, but still scary and difficult to figure out how to handle.  I have to believe that she's been trained it's ok to do that for over a year now, she's likely confused, and frustrated that she can't communicate with us, and just stressed over all.  So this "new" behavior of hers has made us nervous for court tomorrow - I can't imagine what that will be like.

On top of that, when we arrived at the orphanage this morning, the director ("mama") asked us why we haven't been feeding her.  ?!?  We looked at her, shocked, and she said Maggie told her that we weren't feeding her anything.  We listed the things we had fed her, and she instructed us to get her rice and  "irish" potatoes.  Thank heavens we have a restaurant here!  So, Mark went and talked to the waitresses and they knew exactly what we needed, so Maggie ate like a queen.  They even gave her chicken legs, which she ate clean.  We also took pictures, in case we needed them as proof!  When we returned her this afternoon, her "usual" nanny was there,  who speaks decent English, and she explained that she believed we had been feeding her, but in Maggie's book, she hasn't had "food" until she's had potatoes and rice.  Oy vey.  So, who knows what in the world she went back telling them tonight, with the "episodes" we had here!

So then I start hearing the hiss of satan - "what in the world are we going through all of this for?  this is crazy! for only one child?  look at all these kids - one isn't going to make any difference!"  But then Jesus whispers "yes this is hard, but look what I did for you - and I would have done it for only you."

So my mind is tired of being a battlefield and my body is weary from battling this environment - and even Maggie.

But the upside is that all of the sudden, the coin flips and she's as sweet as can be.  ??  She talked more than she ever has today - mostly in her language, but was eager to repeat words we gave her, sang some songs for us, gave hugs, fixed my hair again, laughed and giggled and laughed.  If we didn't have those moments where she can just melt a heart, I don't know what we'd do.

After we dropped her off, Hamza took us to the mall, where we found a "Café Java" - we'd seen it before, but hadn't tried it out - and that was just the treat we needed.  By the time we got there, Jack was dead to the world tired, Noah had a stomach ache and Mark and I were just done.  But this place was the nicest place we've been in here - very modern/American looking, and had wonderful food.  Jack got his pasta alfredo he'd been missing, Noah got a beef burrito, I had a chicken quesadilla and Mark got a burger and fries.  Jack and Noah were like NEW PEOPLE once they started eating - they were so happy. :)  They're already asking to go back.  It was kind of expensive but really worth it - we all desperately needed a little "normal."

These two precious hearts are also heavily campaigning for a 9-yr old girl at the orphanage - she is VERY sweet - speaks English (is in school, and they teach English there)  and is outgoing and really likes Jack and Noah.  :)  So they are ON A MISSION to adopt her too.  No joke.  We seriously hear about it every hour.  I wish life could be as simple as it is from a child's perspective!  Can you imagine how different things would be?

We've started counting down the days until we come home - something I feel somewhat guilty about - I simply can NOT wait to get back to the U.S., but struggle with feeling that way when Maggie will still be here.  See, there's that battlefield of the mind again!!

Pray for our court date tomorrow - that we wouldn't have to wait long, that the kids would be GOOD and will manage the heat ok (we're told there's no a/c and it's super hot in the waiting room), and that we would have clear, concise answers for the judge.  Thank you so much - don't know how we'd get through this without all of you! 


We just experienced the worst day of our lives - we are reeling, but will try to explain.  Our hearing was scheduled for 1:00, so we arrived at 12:30 - we were finally called at 5:45.  For over 5 hours we sat waiting in a filthy room, with cockroaches (one even on my shoulder).  We burned through our water in the first 3 hours, so from about 4:00 until 8:30 we had no water and were sweating like crazy.  Maggie thought she needed to go potty every hour, and the bathroom facilities were so horrible, you guys wouldn't have set foot in them.  I've never seen anything like it.  Once we entered the hearing room, things got worse.  It was at least 110 degrees in there, and the entire 2+ hour hearing was done in Lugandan so we couldn't understand anything, and no one was translating for us.  It was awful.  We could tell right off the bat, with our first witness, that things were not going well - by reading faces, the judge's voice, etc.  It was clear he didn't believe her (the woman Maggie was evidently left with) - he grilled her for an hour.  The social worker did send me a note that said "he's suspicious.  He doesn't believe we've tried to find her mother.  He thinks we're hiding information." Then he called the social worker - who said about 10 words, was scolded, and sat back down.  Then came the guy who's the father of Maggie's half brother - by the time he was done, he was crying.  Again, we have no idea at this point what's going on.

At the end of 2+ hours, everyone starts packing up their stuff - neither Mark or I have testified, so we knew something was very wrong - and the judge finally decides to speak English and explain to us what had happened.  The man who is the father of Maggie's half brother is now claiming to be Maggie's father.  That's what he was crying about.  I absolutely fell apart.  We managed to get out of the room, at which point all 4 of us fell apart.  It was such a mess.

We don't know what happens next, if anything.  We can't hardly think.  The judge has scheduled another hearing for next week, which we will not be here for.  We have a meeting tomorrow at 10:30 at our attorney's office.
You can imagine how Mark and I are feeling, but Jack and Noah are DEVASTATED.  I can't even explain it to you.  They have cried and cried - my heart is absolutely shattered.  We contacted our travel agent to see if we could switch our flights to tomorrow, but she said everything is booked between now and Thursday.  So we are stuck.

That's all I know for now.  We all desperately need sleep.  We'll update you more after our meeting tomorrow.  Love, Anne

Attorney Meeting
We met with our attorneys this morning and it went much as we expected.  We are as lost and confused as ever.  Our attorneys, Mark and Alice, said Maggie's father is supposed to come in tomorrow to sign a "consent," which evidently terminates parental rights - someone from their office went to his work today to explain it to him, then give him time to think (ha! 24 hours??).  Evidently he knew all along he was her father, but didn't come forward when questioned in the investigation because he thought he would be arrested.  Last night, in court, when he was sworn in before "allah" (he's Muslim), he decided he couldn't lie anymore.  We had noticed throughout the day, he was taking a special interest in Maggie, but we didn't think much of it because people are just friendly here.  Now we can see what was happening.  He has several wives and "over 10" children.

So Mark and Alice want us to stay another week, for the hearing on Monday, when they can present this "consent" to the judge.  They also informed us the judge won't rule on our case unless we testify in person.  When we asked about the rest of the hearing that we couldn't understand, they said that the judge didn't believe the woman whom Maggie was left with - kept calling her a liar, was trying to rattle her on purpose "to get to the truth."  Now they seem to think he's over his suspicions.  We of course have no idea because we couldn't understand anything.  They also told us this judge currently is particularly ornery and very particular about adoption cases because of some bad ones he's had recently.

Some other background: we've heard of instances where families get stuck here for 2-4 months trying to get their cases through because of all kinds of crap like this.  Interestingly enough, the employees here at the resort are very angry (they love Maggie) and are telling us Uganda is corrupt.  ?!?!?  Great.  This is coming from Ugandans!!

So.  The decision we are faced with is whether to leave on Thursday as planned, and let this mess get investigated and settled (?) - or stay and attend another hearing from you-know-where on Monday, not knowing what in the world could happen.  Some concerns?  We don't trust this father (oh, and no, they aren't doing a DNA test, they say it isn't necessary) - we are concerned he could sign the stupid document and then 1) change his mind; or 2) not show up for court on Monday {they told us this morning that he was actually a "flight risk" for yesterday's hearing - they were worried he wouldn't show up!}; we are concerned what ADDITIONAL information this loose-cannon judge is going to request (and reschedule yet again), given his anger at everyone involved yesterday - and he didn't even want to hear from us; we are so unbelievably emotionally exhausted we can't think straight; getting through each day here is a challenge; and then of course there are our bank accounts, which are running dry.  We simply cannot afford to keep this up indefinitely - we do not have unlimited resources.  One suggestion our attorneys had?  Let everyone else go home and I (Anne) stay by myself.

My biggest struggle right now is we believe we were asked by God to do this - so we have dutifully pushed and pulled and struggled through many hurdles to do this, and we are just done.  We don't have anything left in us to fight.  Do we leave on Thursday, put this completely in God's hands and let Him work whatever miracles He needs to?  Or do we stay and struggle more?  If we knew we could get everything done on Monday, we would stay.  We honestly don't know the options or future possibilities if we leave.

I know you don't have the answers - we're just trying to explain our mindset to you (and yes, Mark is editing this as well) so you can see where we are at.  Very, very, lost.  Of course we welcome your thoughts/ideas/opinions, but please don't be offended if we don't/can't use them.
As always, we love you all - Anne

Last Day
Today was yet another roller coaster - we seriously can't believe what each day will bring.  First, we want to apologize profusely for taking you along on this ridiculous drama-filled roller coaster - we feel bad for the emotional turmoil we've caused you all.  But we did feel like we needed to wrap this up for you.

Today began with me waking up feeling really uneasy about leaving, but not trusting my thought process.  I sent you emails, Josh, Betsy and Dad, indicating we were leaving - partly for my own benefit to work through the reasoning, thinking maybe leaving would finally sit right with me.  It didn't.  So I reminded God that His word says to submit to my husband, and asked God that if He wanted us to stay, He would convict Mark's heart of that, so I could be removed from the decision.  Throughout the morning, we didn't even discuss the issue - then late morning, Mark broke down in tears and told me he didn't think he could get on a plane tomorrow and not see this through.  I was shocked - God had answered.  We agreed we would stay.

Ok - so seriously, then about 15 minutes after arriving at this decision, we received a text message from the attorney's office telling us to keep our travel plans and go home tomorrow.  We knew they were meeting with the "father" this morning to have him sign the consent form - so we realized something had gone terribly wrong.  Again.  They said they had received "new information" (again!!!) and asked if we could come in for a meeting at 4:00.

So we met with them at 4:00.  The father verbally consented, but in doing some "field work" and interviews yesterday, one of their social workers discovered there were lies in his story.  (Big surprise).  Somehow, they managed to track down the mother's landlord from 2 years ago, and got some information from her that was inconsistent with the father's story.  So, they decided they cannot go before a judge on Monday with this guy who keeps lying, and now they are also obligated to follow the leads on Maggie's mother. 

What happens next?  We wait.  They are doing a DNA test on this guy to make sure he IS the father - if he's not, it would be a great thing for our case.  If he is, they have to continue to work with him until they get the full truth.  They will also follow the leads they now have on her mother.  They told us they are not required to locate her, but are required to provide the court proof that they put sufficient effort into looking for her.  At some point down the road, if they get all of this straightened out, our case can go before a judge again - but it puts us back at square one in the process.  Meaning two more trips, instead of just one.  Meanwhile, Maggie sits in the orphanage.  I cannot tell you how this breaks our hearts.

Where are we at?  Confused.  Deflated.  Angry.  Embarrassed.  Heartsick.  Noah sat in on the meeting with us - and it put new life into him once he heard there was a sliver of hope.  Jack didn't want to be in the meeting - I don't blame him, this has all been very hard on him.  Mark and I don't know if we should be hopeful, or if we should just resign ourselves to the fact this really may not happen - we have no idea what to think.  I'm in a state of shock and nausea just thinking about how this entire trip was for nothing (adoption-related, anyway).  Nothing makes sense to us right now. 

One thing we keep telling the kids is that God is GOOD, and has a plan for each of us, including Maggie.  They believe it, and so do we.  However, it doesn't take away the pain of all this. 

So our suitcases are packed, and we leave for the airport at noon tomorrow.  We'll be in touch once we arrive in the states.
Much love and many thanks to all of you - Anne

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