Thursday, November 25, 2010

Mario and Luigi

Happy Thanksgiving!

And since it's Thanksgiving it seems totally logical to discuss Halloween. Makes perfect sense, does it not? ??

Unfortunately it makes sense in my crazy world where I can't keep up. Today, Thanksgiving, is the first day in a long time where I've had time to just sit, lounge, think, and get a few things read and updated. Thus, we'll go over Halloween since that's where I last left off . . .

This year the kids COULD. NOT. DECIDE. what they wanted to be. Oh my word the drama and indecision that ensued in our household for the 2 months leading up to it. You would have thought we had 2 teenage girls trying to decide what to wear to the prom. Which sort of tells me they are outgrowing Halloween. :( Which sort of makes me sad.

We finally settled on Mario and Luigi - their two favorite video game characters (basically no video game is worth having unless Mario and Luigi are in it). We "settled" on them because I bought them as a back-up plan - knowing full well the kids would not have chosen a costume by 4:00 p.m. on Oct. 31st. But, they ended up liking the back-up plan. Mom always knows best.

And I guess I can now understand why dentists hate Halloween. All the candy really does make your teeth fall out.
Upon arriving home from treat and treating, Noah took a shower and then dove into his bag of goodies. While chewing on a tootsie roll, his tooth fell out. See it in there? :)
Maybe it's not an entirely bad thing if they decide they are done with Halloween . . . .

1 comment:

Gordostyle said...

PERFECT costumes! I can't wait to show Nathan these pictures!

(Too funny about Noah's tooth! Ha!)