Monday, November 29, 2010

It's no wonder mornings are stressful around here

This morning I took an inventory of everything the boys needed to take to school with them:

homework folders with all necessary worksheets and forms
homework planners
reading (chapter) books
library books
Math game binder (Noah)
Christmas book for Jack to read to the kindergarten class
midmorning snacks for both
lunches for both
lunch money (Jack)
art project money (Jack)
water bottles for both
snow boots
snow pants (yes, they even need those)
2 cups of cornmeal (Jack - class making a recipe)
props for Christmas program (Jack)
gym shorts and shirt (Jack - has uniform for gym)


This is for a 7-hour day.

It's a wonder we ever make it out the door by 7:55 am, and that the kids don't need a Uhaul to go to school.

When did school get so complicated?!?

And then to get myself ready AND take care of Murphy . . .

Oh yeah, and the kids need breakfast. Imagine that. So demanding.

Anyway, there's no point to this post. (Other than to garner some sympathy for my insane mornings.)

I know I'm no different than anyone else who has kids in school, but when I realized EVERYTHING that needed to be inventoried every morning before we walk out the door, I was amazed. And thought I'd share. Happy Tuesday.

1 comment:

Gordostyle said...

Oh my gosh! I thought we were bad but you've definitely topped us! Holy cow!

Countin' down the days until Christmas vacation for both of us!
