Monday, October 5, 2009


This weekend brought a new addition to our family: we'd like to introduce you to Murphy.
He's a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and a dream come true for Jack and Noah. They have been begging for a puppy for years now . . . and we've held off because we've had a couple very unsuccessful attempts at dog ownership in the past. We're a tad bit gun-shy, you could say. However, I'm happy - and relieved! - to report that the first 36 hours have been successful. He's very easy to have around - is totally happy napping and lounging around with the boys.
He's a whopping 4 pounds. (Should get to around 15-18).

And he ADORES the boys.

Now if we can just get him adjusted to the nighttime routine, we'll be good to go. Wish us luck.

And now I have to throw in a proud big sister moment - here's my baby brother with one of HIS dreams come true. He drew an incredibly hard-to-obtain elk tag this year (could be a once-in-a-lifetime thing) and started on the hunt of his life last week, which ended very well yesterday. Way to go, Josh - I'm SO happy for you! (And I can't wait to hear what your taxidermy bill will be!!) :)


changing ashes to beauty said...

So glad to meet Murphy! He sure is cute! Isn't his elk awesome?!?!?! You'll have to check back to our blog, I'm working on a post as we speak.

changing ashes to beauty said...
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BareFoot Finn said...

He is adorable! I hope his night routine settles down!

Go Vikes! LOL!