Monday, October 12, 2009

Eat. Play. Sleep. Poop. Repeat.

That's been our life around here this week. Feed Murphy. Play with Murphy. Murphy naps. Murphy poops. Like 90 times a day. And then we repeat. Whew. It's easy to forget how much WORK a puppy is. But, lucky for him, he's so darn cute. He does sleep REALLY good at night (8+ hours), so I'm totally thankful for that. And he's the best little cuddler in the world.

Meanwhile, the kids had a 5-day weekend - partly due to teacher work days and also Columbus day - and it was so good for them to just have NOTHING for a few days. Winter arrived here in FULL FORCE (12 degrees! Wind! Snow! More snow! Uggh!) last week, so their weekend sporting events were cancelled and they got to just hang around home, which is their favorite thing to do. And of course it's my favorite thing to have them home with me!

Noah spent much of his time off heavily debating the 2009 Halloween costume. Honestly, you would think he was having to choose a college. About drove me nuts. He's very particular about these things for some reason. He did finally arrive at a decision today (hallelujah!!) . . . which will remain top secret until 10/31. :) Noah is also proving to be the highly responsible one when it comes to Murphy - always makes sure he has food, makes sure he stays away from the stairs, prays about his potty training (?!), etc.

Jack has been cracking us up. We were at TGI Fridays the other night and our waiter told us that the kids slushies came with free refills, so Jack eagerly ordered one. And proceeded to request a refill EVERY time the waiter came back. By the time he'd gone through 4, I told him he should probably quit. He leaned across the table towards me, and in a hushed voice said "I'm trying to make a good deal out of it, mom! They're FREE!" Grandpa Dick, he has YOUR genes!! :) Then last night he came out of his room 1/2 hour after he went to bed and told me he couldn't sleep because he had this list of things on his mind. After we discussed the list, I sent him back to bed. On the way, he turned around and - very seriously - said "I'll let you know if anything else comes up." :) Okay. Thanks buddy.

I'm excited to be heading to Women of Faith in Minneapolis this weekend with my momma and sister - Thurs. to Sunday with just us girls. I totally can't WAIT to get away for a little while! I'm a tad bit concerned about leaving the house in the hands of the 3 boys and a puppy (shiver), but it's just a house, right? Jack and Noah are actually excited I'm leaving. That can't be a good thing, can it?


changing ashes to beauty said...

Ahhhh . . . I love those boys!! And I'm so jealous that it didn't work for me to come with to WOF this year. Enjoy the girl time! Say "hello" to Mall of America for me. If you win the lottery before you go, go on a shopping spree for me :)! Love you!

Gordostyle said...

Man your kids are cute. Love what they come up with!

And yesterday... it brought back a little bit of summer being with them again. I will never tire of your kids and Nathan together. They just work so well! Wild, but well!

Then there is that cute lil' pup who'll be worth every bit of poo-poo times a million! Love him! Glad he found a VERY good family to love on!

One more thing... NO shopping while in MNAPLS. None. Not allowed. NOPE. Not without me! :o)