Thursday, December 4, 2008

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree . . .

. . . . this year you have eluded me. I'm bummin'. I am very PARTICULAR about our Christmas trees - we always get a live one, it has to be a Fraiser, and it's always quite BIG. Last year's was massive - 10 feet tall and nice and fat. (See December 2007 posts). So Monday, as a family, we gleefully went to our trusty supplier that has provided us with the perfect tree every year for the past 5 years . . . . and get this. They didn't have any. Any. Meaning they decided not to carry Christmas trees this year. Excuse me?? No one consulted ME on this decision. They can't do that!! Nice. Once we processed this huge disappointment, we sulked out of there, chins dragging on the ground.

We did end up finding one elsewhere . . . . but not exactly what we'd hoped for. Shorter and MUCH skinnier. We keep staring at it, sort of willing it to grow fatter, which of course it won't. I've decided to look on the bright side - at least this one won't take me forever to decorate, and Christmas is only 3 weeks from today so we won't even have it that long. Ah well, in the grand scheme of things, this is definitely not a big issue!

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