I finished the tree last weekend, and I'm happier with it now that it has all our STUFF on it. Still looks skinny to me, but it's not as bad as I thought it would be. Our tree doesn't carry a theme of any kind - it's just full of stuff that all four of us love. Each of us has our favorites - it's like saying hello to old friends after a year.

I LOVE my fuzzy snowflakes:

I LOVE my fuzzy snowballs - both white . . .

AND red: (and my whoville tree too) (I guess fuzz would actually be a theme here.)

I love the ornaments that make me smile, thinking of the moments they symbolize:

and I love the ones that make me cry every year . . . like this one. My grandma had the tradition of giving each of her grandkids an ornament EVERY year. At the time, of course, I didn't get how important they would be someday. Now that she's gone, oh, how I treasure each of them. Especially this one - it still has a little label on it with her writing "Annie - Gram '89". Every year I run my fingers over her writing and my heart physically aches for just a few more minutes with her. So many years later, I'm so thankful for her Christmas tradition, and I hope somehow she knows that.

We are currently stuck in the total insanity of the month of December, and I'm already plotting on how to handle next year differently. Even with all my decorating done before Thanksgiving, I'm still running like a crazy person. I've had a headache since Tuesday. That can't be a good sign. Since Tuesday.
So here's my new theory. I think all non-Christmas activities should cease for the month of December so that families can really focus on each other and what this season is really all about. Just revel in some peace and meditate on Jesus. No cub scouts, no sports, no Awana, no small groups. Just family. Society doesn't have to go along with me, but that's how I plan to honor Christmas next December. A month-long Sabbath.
I just had to post these two pictures of my adorable babies. I was messing around one evening, and happened to get a few good pictures of them (and it's HARD to get a good one of Noah. No, not hard. Impossible.)
Noah's new favorite things: Bon Jovi, spelling everything, and using the word "apparently." This kid is full of one-liners lately.
Jack's new favorite things: Singing "Do They Know it's Christmas" at the top of his lungs most of the time, and humming it the rest of the time. Had to be told to knock it off at school. And laughing his head off at Noah. Seriously. No one can get Jack laughing like Noah. I LOVE that bond they have.
Lately I've had the most incredible urge to just go into hibernation with them - it's been hard, for some reason, for Mama Bear to ship them off to school each day. I want them home with me.
Every day. Sigh.

You guys are so cute! You're such a super-cute-and-neat family! Love you guys!
Also... love your tree! It looks SO beautiful! And the meaning of everything makes my heart BUST!
Merry Christmas!
I love it when my boys sing too! One day I will have to post or tell you about Willards made-up song to Jingle Bells...I don't know whether to laugh or cry...lets just say, it has the h-e-double hockey sticks word in it!
Have a great Christmas!
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