. . . . is one of many words to describe the landscapes we saw this weekend at the Badlands! We spent our camping season opener near Interior, SD at a very nice campground, and spent much of Sunday trekking around the Badlands - climbing, ooohhh-ing and ahhh-ing, and taking way too many pictures. Us adults enjoyed soaking up the breathtaking views while the kids were on cloud nine climbing all over every hill, nook and cranny they could find. The place is like one giant, never-ending playground for kids. I haven't seen Jack that "lit up" in a while - he's definitely found a passion in climbing. We couldn't keep him on the ground for anything, and he was SO HAPPY and animated, it was really fun to see him like that (as he usually tends a little more towards the serious, focused side). He literally would have stayed there for many days and remained quite entertained. Noah was a little more cau

tious (thank heavens!) and focused on Tori (our friends the Altstiels went with us, and Tori is 5). He recently told me there was one "big" thing he wanted for his birthday but he knew we "wouldn't get it for him." When I asked what it was, he said "I want Tori for a sister." Cute or what?!? Anyway, the weather was great, the company was awesome and we just had a fantastic time. We are so blessed to live in this area and have all of these amazing places so close by. We HIGHLY recommend the trip there - if you need info on where to go, we're happy to be of service.
This week is the first week of summer for us!! No school, no MOPS, no Awana, no sorority for me - we just don't know what to do with ourselves! It was such a great feeling this morning to wake up and know that we don't have one obligation this week (other than a t-ball game, I guess, but that's it!). Just leisure time to be together and that's what summer is about! Today is cold and rainy, so we're having a relaxing "veg out" TV day - the kids are pretty wiped out after this weekend and I'm doing laundry - tons of it.
Hope everyone had a great long weekend!

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