Today we went with our MOPS group to Bear Country, and we hit a really good day there as the bears were very active and playful - just fantastic to watch!! I could roam around there all day and watch their antics. They really are a hoot, and it's so amazing to see them so close. The babies were the highlight, of course - all piled into a tree, half of them actually sleeping, and half climbing over the sleeping ones! Jack and Noah also LOVED the new litter of red fox babies and wondered if we couldn't PUH-LEEEAAASE buy one?? I ended up buying a season pass, so whoever comes to visit us this summer will get a free tour!! :)
I'm in recovery mode from my dentist visit yesterday - I survived, even though I was pretty sure I wouldn't. I really didn't feel much of anything, just HEARD the roots of my teeth being pulled away from my head, so THAT was interesting!! Yesterday I felt pretty good, but today the pain has set in, so I hope it goes away soon. I'm on a liquid/mush diet for a few days, but it's a good excuse to eat ice cream. Anyway, now I need to get my own little bear cubs o
ff to bed!
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