"Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." Mark Twain
Last night Jack and Noah had their first T-ball practice! It was really cute to watch, great entertainment! They decided it wasn't as "action packed" as soccer ("We didn't get to RUN very much, mom!"), but I explained it was only the first day, and they have to learn how to bat first, which was the focus of the practice. They are ready to just dive in - no interest in technique yet! :)
In other news, we are continuing to get ready for this garage sale tomorrow - uggh, what a lot of work!! I've already brought in $200 from early sales, so it will ultimately be worth the work, I know. Jack and Noah have several things labeled - once they learned they could make some money, they really cleaned out their toys - so they are very excited for tomorrow. Grandma Linda and I took a break from the garage yesterday and attempted to run some errands with them, but that turned out to be a real adventure - Jack ended up pulling up a mannequin's dress in Herberger's "to see what was under there" (I always thought "that won't be MY kids" - HA). Then in Target while I was checking out, I looked up to see them doing the limbo (literally) under the dividers in the customer service line.
Well I need to get the little dudes fed and off to school - only 6 days left!!