Yep, it's been a while.
And now you are in for like, the longest post EVER.
It's been a wild summer y'all. So many things to update on! My goal is to get all caught up here in the next week or two.
The biggest "adventure" started last spring when I started having trouble with my ears. Yes, my ears. No, I'm not 80 even though I sound like it. My inner ears malfunctioned. At first it was a minor annoyance, but it became a serious issue when the dizziness kicked in mid-May. And didn't go away. And it's finally just in the past couple of weeks I've started to feel better. So, this summer will go down as the one in which I struggled to balance my condition with the needs of my VERY ACTIVE family. It was rough, but I learned a lot.
I learned that each day of "normalcy" - no matter how boring it may seem - is truly a gift from God.
I learned in a first-hand way that we are sooo not in control. And have no say in whether or not we will have another year, another month, another day, or another 5 minutes of good health.
I learned to pray even more than I did. And more. And some more again. And to keep at it and not give up.
I learned to fully rely on God - on a daily and sometimes hourly basis - for strength, for peace of mind, and for the ability to keep moving. It is only by His hand that I was able to keep up with my kids this summer.
I learned to find the good amidst the bad. To focus on what I could do instead of what I couldn't.
I learned I'm stronger than I thought I was.
I learned to have a greater amount of patience and empathy towards those who are struggling with health issues.
I learned how incredibly patient my precious husband is, and what wonderful friends I have.
Even though this wasn't a life-threatening thing, I have learned that life should be LIVED. Right now.
I've learned to have patience with timelines that are not my own. I would have liked to have been done with this in, say, 2 days. But, like I said, it's not up to me.
I'm still not 100%, but at least I'm moving in the right direction, and I'll take that. I've been told that inner-ear issues can take months to resolve. I'm just grateful that I've seen an improvement!
So, enough on me. Let's get to my favorite blog topic - Jack and Noah. We're going to head WAAYYY back to May when we were finishing out the school year. The kids' favorite year-end event is the track meet. I wasn't so great about pictures this year, but these first two are Noah:
Sunday was their actual birthday, and we let them dictate the day. We started out with church, then went to Taco John's for lunch (Noah's pick), then headed to Flags and Wheels - an indoor go-kart place.
I stood on the side with my camera - didn't want to drive with my dizziness - and came to some conclusions about my kids driving. Noah is very calm and focused and careful:

Jack, on the other hand is a maniac. I wish you could see his face better in these pics. Oh my word.

He won't be getting his driver's license while he lives in our house. Meanwhile, Mark was a good sport in his pink car.
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