So, as is tradition on this blog, here we go:

You are getting more "guy-ish" every day - there is not much about you that is "little kid" anymore. You are even developing that "pre-teen" attitude, which is normal, but hard on your mom! That look on your face in the photo? I get that alot! You may be an even better "arguer" than me, which spells trouble for the years ahead, I think. :) The good side of that is you come up with many thoughts and theories that often take your parents by surprise. God has blessed you with an incredible - and very quick - mind. You have many, many opinions about everything and you are the ultimate planner. You want to know what, where, when, and how at least 15 times a day. Meanwhile, I'm trying to be more spontaneous, so that doesn't mix so well with your constant planning, but we're working on it. :)
You had a big growth spurt this year - 108 pounds now, and feet almost as big as mine! Eating has become your favorite pasttime - you are always wondering what our next meal will be and WHEN. You are obsessed with NACHOS - I have no idea where this came from, but you are always scoping out concession stands and requesting Mexican restaurants. Other favorites are cheeseburgers, pizza, the DQ, and Life Savers Winto-Greens.
You are still taking piano, and you play it so beautifully. You dislike lessons, but don't seem to mind the practice, and often just sit down to play for fun. I love, love, love listening to you and hope you stick with it. You played flag football this year - most often playing receiver for Jack, along with basketball and soccer. Your biggest news this year was your school-switch in the middle of the year. After witnessing Jack's experience at Calvary, you decided you wanted to be there too, and it's been a good change for you. You pulled straight A's the entire year!
Here are my favorites about you - your HUGS - they just melt my heart, and make my worries fade away. And your beautiful face when you smile - those freckles and huge brown eyes with the loonnngg eyelashes - oh my. I also love your pursuit of Jesus and God's Word - you love reading the book of Revelation, your bible study, and you excelled in Awana this year, taking home the Honor Award, an award in which the leaders vote for the child they feel went above and beyond. We are so proud of you and love you more than words can express.

You've had a year of all sorts of changes, and you have weathered them all beautifully. You started out with getting braces just before school started - on top of the two hyrexes you already had in there - I've never seen so much metal in one mouth. But you adapted and didn't complain. Then you started a brand-new school - making new friends and getting the new routine down within 2 weeks. You never showed any sign of nerves or stress - we were just totally inspired by you and how brave you were. Then, further into the year, you got glasses. This change was met with a little more resistance, but once you realized how much better you could SEE, you were fine. And you are so stinking cute with them!
You are quite the jokester, even though in your picture up there you look all serious. You really aren't . . . unless you are playing a sport. Then we could cut your intensity with a knife. But you are always wanting to play a trick on us or are giggling about something. And then on the other hand, you took part in three very serious dramatic presentations at school with your class, which were just AMAZING. You are definitely a man of many hats.
This year, you grew straight up. You are the consumate bean pole, and all legs. You enjoy your food too, just not with the same gusto as Noah. Actually, your favorite thing to munch on is crushed ice. You are ALWAYS walking around with a glass of crushed ice. Maybe if we all followed your snacking example, we'd be bean poles too! Your other favorites are pizza, crab legs, pizza rolls, macaroni and Armadillos ice cream.
My favorites about you are your determination - NOTHING gets in your way when you want something - nothing. Your smile, which lights up my world. The way you still call me "mommy" (even in front of your friends) and don't have a clue you probably should have graduated to "mom" by now. They way you still love to cuddle - snuggling up next to me while we watch The Brady Bunch and how you want me to lie with you and scratch your back while you fall asleep. I hang onto these moments for dear life because I know they'll be gone very soon. We are so proud of YOU too, of who you are becoming, and we love love love you.
1 comment:
Happy birthday sweet boys! Remember that your auntie is planning to be both of your prom dates in a few short years. Uncle Josh will rent us a limo, but you have to buy me dinner:). Love you both to the moon and back!
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