So we've had a little bit of snow in the past month. Winter doesn't really show up in SD until Feb/Mar/April. And it showed up big this year. There were parts of our backyard that had 3 feet of snow for a while. The front yard maintained 6-10 inches for a couple weeks . . . and let me tell you how well that sits with Murphy. He hates the snow. He hates having to potty in the snow. He looks at us like "seriously." So Mark actually shoveled a part of our front yard so Mr. Fussypants would go potty outside. Oh the lengths we go to for our pets . . .
I'm happy to report, however, that it's all gone now (except a little in the shade out back) and we are enjoying 60 degree temps this week. Could it really be spring?? I don't want to allow myself to hope, lest we get one of our famous monster spring blizzards. The kids, of course, did not share in Murphy's sentiments about the snow.

In other more exciting news, Jack got glasses!

Is he stinkin cute or what? He'd been having issues with headaches and then gave us all (teacher included) the big hint by squinting when reading things from a distance. I dragged him into the eye dr. and he failed the screening. Big time. Like to the point where Noah was sitting off to the side chuckling and snorting. Poor Jack was highly dismayed - aside from his althletic ability, he's not very confident - so this was a hard adjustment for him. Thankfully, lots of kids in his class have them . . . and we all love how he looks - except he looks too OLD now - not so much like my little boy anymore!!

And we have a new addiction in our house:

Don't laugh. :) We found season 1 and 2 on sale at Target, and thought the kids might enjoy it. Wrong. They LOVE LOVE LOVE it. They are obsessed. It's hilarious. We all cherish an evening at home where we all race around to get our stuff done and then hit the couch for a couple episodes. The funniest thing to Mark and I is that the first season was done before EITHER one of us were born!! Jack and Noah can't quite comprehend that . . .
1 comment:
Jack: You are so cute in those glasses! Adorable! (Or is it not cool to say cute to a 9 year old? How about cool. You look so cool in those glasses and we can't wait to see you wearing them in person!)
Brady Bunch! LOVE IT! Nathan did too! I could watch it every night! I, however, did NOT know that the first season was made that long ago! Huh - I'm not as old as I thought. :o)
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