Noah started out the school year with a major project on a state of his choice - he picked Alaska. Both mom and dad helped him out and he was pleased with the results (and got an A!!):
Jack's doing great in his new school, but he has no time for it. Even while he's there. I had a chat with his teacher this week about how he's always in such a hurry to finish his work, his writing is nearly illegible. He maintains he is NOT going to have homework so he IS going to FINISH his work in school, no matter how it looks when he's done. :) We're now working on this.
After a really bad experience with a trial run at full-contact football, Jack and Noah are back in the NFL Flag Football league run by the local college. Lucky for them, I have a friend who works at the college, and happened to put together the teams, and also happened to know they are huge Viking fans, so she made sure their team was the Vikings. Needless to say, they were HAPPY.
Love love love this picture of Noah (below). That's my baby, scoring a touchdown!!!!

Here's Jack, seconds before scoring. Reminiscent of his track pictures - the feet hardly ever touch the ground.

Running through the parent tunnel at the end of the game - celebrating a hard-fought FIRST victory. :)
And we are really on top of things this year - we already went pumpkin shopping. Sadly we didn't have ANY pumpkins last year because we'd just got Murphy and I was a little preoccupied with all things puppy. So we decided to make up for it this year and get first pick at a cute nursery in Spearfish.

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