Wow - where to start?
Let's go back to the boys' birthday. They turned 9. It was fun. We moved on.
ha ha. Just kidding!They started out with a class party during the last week of school (that's a giant decorated cookie):

Then a couple days prior to their birthday we had their party. Mark and I suggested every party idea under the sun, but they just wanted 4 friends at our house for pizza and sports in the yard. Totally simple. Totally easy. And they said it was their best birthday ever.

We also played a little bingo. For money. Huge hit.


And football.

Sweaty, smelly, happy boys.

And this was the day they turned 9:

Their day started out with a scavenger hunt, compliments of Grandma and Grandpa Roisum. 6 clues. And a $10 bill for each of them at each clue. They LOVED it - had the BEST time. Starting out:

Next stop: the piano -

Then a game in the family room -

Up to the living room TV cabinet -

Outside -

To the dog kennel -

Last stop: the tub. :)

This year, I took the boys shopping seperately so they could each buy something for each other. Interesting experience. Rather than just "getting it over with," they were extremely particular about what they got each other. Noah bought Vikings stuff for Jack:

And Jack bought a Legos set and stuffed dog for Noah:

They have to open most presents back-to-back since they get many of the same things -

On the afternoon of their birthday, they FINISHED A MARATHON. During the two months leading up to this, they each walked/jogged 25 miles around our neighborhood and then ran the last 1.2 miles on the Mickelson Trail and crossed the real finish line. It was awesome. We were so stinkin' proud of what they accomplished!!
Out of approx. 60 kids, Jack came in FOURTH. He was a dude on a MISSION.

Noah finished around 10th - 12th, which was fantastic for him - he ran the entire 1.2 miles, which he had NEVER done before. And nearly threw up. I talked him out of it, calmed him down and got him cooled off. :) What a sport.

We finished off the birthday with a dinner at Grandma and Grandpa Horak's house in Spearfish.

And a few more gifts - neither of which they were very excited about.

(Cabela's Big Game Hunter for the Wii)

(Mario Super Sluggers for the Wii). Crazy kids.
And a couple weeks later, we celebrated Father's Day. Do I have the 3 most handsome boys EVER or what?!?! I am a truly blessed woman.

We are now summering in our camper at Hart Ranch. More on that later.
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