Funny story - Jack and Noah recently bought this with their own money (funny because they had one when they were little, but we sold it when they were about 6 and done with it!):
A couple weeks ago, we headed to Willmar for a visit with Mark's family and a great time was had by all . . . . especially the kids! They got to spend lots of time with their cousins - mostly on the trampoline, but they did take time out to eat occasionally. :)
(Just a random cute picture I snapped of the boys while we were there)
They adore their cousins . . . .
Movie time . . .
Mark and his brother Todd - or as I call him, Toad. :)
In other Roisum news, the boys had a school dance on Friday. Yes, a school dance - no one seems able to believe this, but it was very much a FAMILY event - parents were there and involved and it was
The boys doing the bunny hop before the dance even started . . .

A conga line . . .
Noah and Jack and a couple of their buddies -
Jack doing the limbo - never got a good shot of Noah, unfortunately.
Noah wearing an 80's mullet, compliments of the DJ - so funny, but you can't really see it -
Jack playing a blow-up saxaphone. He loves being the center of attention. ?!?
The macarena . . . with a little help from Dad, an old pro. :)

Noah chatting with his buddy Hailey - she is Jack and Noah's biggest fan and she is adorable. She even wears a Favre jersey to get their attention. :) And so it begins . . .
And we are wrapping up the soccer season on Tuesday evening with their last game. I have to begrudgingly admit I really enjoyed this season - it was remarkable to see the progress in the kids - how they learned their positions and how this team really learned to play as a team. Very cool.
Took a few more pics Saturday. Here's both of them - Noah in the blue, and Jack is the goalie. Yes, he blocked that shot. :) And every one thereafter.
(Just a random cute picture I snapped of the boys while we were there)
I'm on the PTA and we were a little concerned about how it would turn out, but I was shocked at what a huge success it was! It was amazing. The DJ was amazing. The kids were amazing. The teachers were amazing. (Actually I don't know who was more entertaining - the kids or the teachers! At one point a group of them tried breakdancing - soooo funny). It was a great way to wrap up the year.
I'm on the PTA and we were a little concerned about how it would turn out, but I was shocked at what a huge success it was! It was amazing. The DJ was amazing. The kids were amazing. The teachers were amazing. (Actually I don't know who was more entertaining - the kids or the teachers! At one point a group of them tried breakdancing - soooo funny). It was a great way to wrap up the year.
Took a few more pics Saturday. Here's both of them - Noah in the blue, and Jack is the goalie. Yes, he blocked that shot. :) And every one thereafter.
Oh - and we finished Awana for the year - Jack and Noah finished the Sparks program (grades K, 1 and 2) - in those three years they memorized 165 verses. They worked so hard all 3 years and I could not have been more proud when they received their big award last week. Wow. God is good!
This week: the annual school track meet and spring piano recital. Hoping I can figure out how to post video on here so you can see their duet (sooo stinking cute!). And . . . 10 days of school left! Yippee!!
So fun to see pictures of the boys! They look SO old playing soccer. I dread the day they are too old for a hug from their Auntie :(. Oh never mind, Noah said he'd take me to prom with him, even said he'd rent a limo since I've never been in one :). I'll hold him to it! Miss you guys!
That dance looks like so much fun! And those girls that Jack and Noah are standing with look like keepers! (Only your boys can like girls... not Nathan. Well, not until he's 37.)
Can't wait for Qdoba on Wednesday... we should've picked Monday -- it's sooner! Ha!
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