Well, since my hubby thinks blog postings are more interesting with pictures, here's what we've been up to: :)
A LOT of eating . . . .
And we had a wonderful Easter. I've been studying the book of John for the past 7 months in my bible study, so I saw Easter a little differently this year. We had an egg hunt at home before church, had a beautiful church service, then went to my mom and dad's for a fabulous dinner - done like only my mom can do!
And read out of my dad's enormous ancient bible -
We topped the day off with a fun evening at Chuck E. Cheese with some dear friends we hadn't seen in a while. The perfect day!
And the countdown has begun - 6 weeks of school left! yIpEEeeee!
Love the pictures and we are super excited to see you guys this Saturday! Just so you know, Cayel is not thrilled at all about this Musical Production and the only reason he is doing it is because Jack and "Nonah" are coming to watch. Thanks for being our saving grace!
Excited for summer too so we can come camper hopping between your castle and your parents at Hart Ranch :)! Remember Cayel wants the bunk bed :)!
Great post!
Where was the fashion show? How cute were they?! Love it! Next time you gotta tell us so we can go watch! :o)
We were just talking about Chuck E. Cheese tonight. We had so much fun with you guys! Hopefully the next "family" outing will be in campers! Cheers to summer quickly approaching!
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