Forrest Gump has been on my mind a lot lately - - funny what comes to mind when you are RUNNING. :) Which is what I've been up to lately - a lot of running. This 1/2 marathon has already been a fascinating experience, and the actual event is still 6 weeks away.
First, it's a great feeling to see yourself improve. I've kept pushing and sticking with it, and it's amazing to me that I can actually progress! Who knew? :) I've always been an aerobics kind of girl - running has never been my thing - and it's hard to measure progress with aerobics, but now I'm loving measuring my progress with improvement in my times and distances. It's actually rather addicting.
Which brings me to the 2nd interesting thing about this - that I'm really getting hooked on it! Yesterday it was drizzling, really windy and cold, and I still went running. TOTALLY NOT ME. The "me" that I know would have used that as an excuse to stay home. I have no idea what pushed me out the door . . ? I actually enjoy it. And I see pictures like this and actually want to go RUN there. Go figure.

And lastly, it's made me totally appreciate my husband's adventurous spirit even more. He's always looking for something new and fun to do (which is how I ended up signing up for this thing in the first place), and I sooo appreciate that about him. We've experienced many things I may not have if it wasn't for his fun-loving, never-sit-around attitude. I am blessed to have him as the spur in my saddle. :)
So, I still have a long way to go to 13.1 miles, but I'm enjoying the journey and all I really care about is that I finish and don't have to be rescued midway or scraped off the trail. We'll see . . .