We are well into basketball season - actually only 3 games left - and I finally decided to bring my camera on Saturday and get some pictures. I drag my feet with sports photos because it's an incredibly frustrating excercise to get a decent picture! It's much better with my new camera, but any suggestions would be most appreciated. Anyway, you get the picture. (ha ha.)
The first four pics are of Jack - unfortunately I always end up with more shots of him because the child ALWAYS has the ball. He doesn't trust anyone else with it (except his brother). To say the boy is
determined would be an understatement
. We're working on the whole "TEAM effort" concept with him . . .

And while Noah doesn't have possession of the ball as often, he's really come into his own this year and can SHOOT. He's calm, confident and accurate. He leads the team in points scored. After painfully watching his timidness last year, I'm one proud mama!!

Moving on - funny story: the other night we were watching the Cosby Show (our new favorite family show - we're buying the seasons on DVD and the kids are LOVING them) and one of the Cosby kids was discussing writing on the blackboard at school. A couple minutes into the narrative, Noah hits pause on the DVD and says "okay, what's a blackboard??" Sign of the times, huh? :)
Now I leave you with some photos of Murphy. We are loving him and he's driving us nuts all at the same time. Is that possible? I'm just banking on the fact that by the time he's 2 or 3, he'll be the perfect dog. There's a reason God made puppies cute: so you don't kill them. :)
adores his boys - snuggles with them at every opportunity.

Lounges on the couch and watches me work on my bible study:
Until he gets bored with that and falls asleep:

Is a clown:

Sleeps exactly in this position on Mark's lap on the couch: (yes, that's Mark's hairy leg)

And pretends he's a stuffed animal on our bed (I literally couldn't find him one evening because he just blended right in, sitting there as still as a statue):

Oh my gosh... that picture of Murphy on your bed... it took me three glances to find him! He is PURE CUTENESS!
And those boys... love my kid but wish he had a little more sports ability in him. (Shhhh... don't tell him that though!)
Awesome to see pictures and hear an update! Have enjoyed spending the last couple of weekends with you guys so going through withdrawal :).
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