A couple of interesting things have come out of the boys' mouths in the past week . . .
I was explaining to Noah where your kidneys are (not like I even know exactly where they are, but moms have to act knowledgeable about these things - at least I do, or he makes me go look it up . . ), but I described them as being sort of on the sides of your back.
My sweet Noah, who has developed cute little semi-love handles, said "ooohhhh, is that why my sides are fluffy?"
Loooove it. (and him!)
And then Jack. His comment wasn't as funny. He told us "I don't want to be 'Jack and Noah' anymore - I want to be just Jack." And my heart broke a little for him. An identity crisis at the ripe old age of 8. He's also requesting time away from Noah - which I actually totally understand - they are together for EVERYTHING. They live together, go to school together, Sunday school together, sports together, etc. Can you imagine? I'd need some space too. And the sibling rivalry has gotten really bad over the past few months. So, we're processing this and trying to figure out how to separate them more. Not so easy!
Meanwhile, I'm trying to get serious about this marathon training business (1/2 marathon, that is). Uggh. My muscles are hurting, but I'm determined. Two weeks into it, I've made it up to 3.5 miles. I have a LONG way to go. But hopefully I'll work off some fluff in the process . . . .
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Thursday, March 25, 2010
A Whole Lot of Normal
I just realized it's been over 2 weeks since my last post, but it's just been a blessedly normal 2 weeks. We're just up to our regular routine - school, piano lessons, basketball practice, Awana, bible study, church, work, etc. Basically just pressing on towards SUMMER. We are all getting so anxious - especially me and the kids - Jack and Noah . . . . for obvious reasons and me . . . . because I GET MY KIDS BACK and the total lack of commitments summer offers!! We're getting the camping itch, but still have a few more weeks to go.
A few other tidbits:
A few other tidbits:
- Jack just recovered from strep throat (2nd time in 6 months) - the poor kid seems to pick it up anytime someone in a 5 mile radius has it. And his tummy does NOT like antibiotics!
- Mark "made" me sign up for a 1/2 marathon in June. !?!?? He had such a great time last year he wants me to experience it with him. I'm in trouble. So, I've been hitting the streets with Murphy - training has officially begun. The thought was that I could walk much of it with my dad (he signed up too) but my dad walks about 5 mph, so I'll need to be jogging most of it. I am determined, however . . .
- For a few short hours this week I thought I was going to Israel in October. Wow, huh? A great opportunity presented itself . . . . but God was not on board with my plan. I have a tendency to run ahead of Him (which never works) and I'm trying to break that habit. Anyway, I'm not going. But it was fun thinking about for a short while. The long and short of it is that I'm totally addicted to my kids and it became clear I couldn't be away from them for 11 days. :)
- Grandma Rayne and Grandpa Paul came from MN for a quick visit last weekend. (Her name is actually LaRayne, but the kids have called her Grandma 'Rayne since they were tiny, and it just stuck). They are great to have around - so attentive to the kids and willing to do WHATEVER Jack and and Noah ask!! :)
- This is our last week of basketball, and oh joy we start soccer this week too. No time off in between. Two practices and 2 games a week. I'm trying very hard to improve my lousy attitude but haven't had much luck in that area.
Next time I'll be back with some pictures. Of something. Not sure what. Mark says these posts are much more interesting with PICTURES. Maybe I'll just take some of him.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
We are well into basketball season - actually only 3 games left - and I finally decided to bring my camera on Saturday and get some pictures. I drag my feet with sports photos because it's an incredibly frustrating excercise to get a decent picture! It's much better with my new camera, but any suggestions would be most appreciated. Anyway, you get the picture. (ha ha.)
The first four pics are of Jack - unfortunately I always end up with more shots of him because the child ALWAYS has the ball. He doesn't trust anyone else with it (except his brother). To say the boy is determined would be an understatement. We're working on the whole "TEAM effort" concept with him . . .

And while Noah doesn't have possession of the ball as often, he's really come into his own this year and can SHOOT. He's calm, confident and accurate. He leads the team in points scored. After painfully watching his timidness last year, I'm one proud mama!!

Moving on - funny story: the other night we were watching the Cosby Show (our new favorite family show - we're buying the seasons on DVD and the kids are LOVING them) and one of the Cosby kids was discussing writing on the blackboard at school. A couple minutes into the narrative, Noah hits pause on the DVD and says "okay, what's a blackboard??" Sign of the times, huh? :)
Now I leave you with some photos of Murphy. We are loving him and he's driving us nuts all at the same time. Is that possible? I'm just banking on the fact that by the time he's 2 or 3, he'll be the perfect dog. There's a reason God made puppies cute: so you don't kill them. :)
The first four pics are of Jack - unfortunately I always end up with more shots of him because the child ALWAYS has the ball. He doesn't trust anyone else with it (except his brother). To say the boy is determined would be an understatement. We're working on the whole "TEAM effort" concept with him . . .
Now I leave you with some photos of Murphy. We are loving him and he's driving us nuts all at the same time. Is that possible? I'm just banking on the fact that by the time he's 2 or 3, he'll be the perfect dog. There's a reason God made puppies cute: so you don't kill them. :)
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