For crying out loud, how did THAT happen?
Every June 5th finds me a little more shell-shocked than the year before. Tell, me, those of you who have grown-up kids, are your kids' birthdays always bittersweet? Will I always feel a pang in my heart along with the merriment of this yearly milestone? And while you're at it, please also tell me, where does time go? Seriously. I totally feel like it was yesterday that I was stumbling around in a sleep-deprived fog trying to figure out how to manage two babies and survive it all. I still can see and feel those moments so clearly, it just doesn't seem possible it was 8 years ago. We're halfway to 16, people. Ouch.

You love love love to read - you finished 1st grade reading at a 6th grade level and you have buzzed through 4 mystery novels in the past month. You are a total whiz at the piano - you can play something one time and then do it from memory. You can even concoct your own little tunes. You love soccer (and have a monster kick!) and basketball and the Vikings and cheeseburgers and tacos and fishing and the Smurfs and especially Scooby Doo and somehow you love Bon Jovi and Nickleback and you sing your little heart out during worship at church and you have the most amazing belly chuckle and you love making Jack laugh. You can name all 32 teams in the NFL without any help and you love all things doggy and never tire of begging for one even though your mom and dad can't decide what kind to get.
And you love Jack. Your bond is becoming more apparent to us - you are best buddies and are really quite dependent on each other. Which is totally ok with us. And you are a total SNUGGLE BUG. You love bear hugs (giving and receiving!) and cuddling and you always have to lounge on whoever is sitting next to you while you are eating. We call you a Roman and it's just adorable. You are currently a very solid 78 pounds and I could not love every square inch of you more.

You totally love playing the Wii, but that goes along with your competitive nature. (And you can't stand it that your mom can beat you at bowling!) Mario Kart is your favorite. You did very well in school this year, but you have no time for it. You love watching any sport on TV, and you love the Vikings as much as your Daddy and are determined to BE one someday. With you, I actually believe that could happen.
You are BIG on practical jokes, you love playing Monkey in the Middle with Dad and Noah downstairs with the beach ball, Monopoly, macaroni and cheese (the Velveeta Shells and Cheese - no other), crab legs, any kind of fruit and calling your mom "sweet lips." You hate milk and taking showers and love eating ice. You are quite the entrepreneur for your age - you have developed a whole concept AND business plan for theme restaurants that you are going to build when you grow up.
Like Noah, you love our nightly devotions and have your many questions and this year told me that you asked Jesus into your heart one day a few years back while you were at preschool at Zion. :) I love the details of this story, but decided they are between you and God and I won't publish them here. My heart soared the day you told me this as my greatest desire for your life is a true walk with Jesus. Everything else in your life will fall into place if you have that. Oh, and you still love to snuggle with your mom - often curling up on my lap or sneaking into bed with us. I've made you promise over and over that you will never stop doing that no matter how big you get. :)
To both of you - there aren't words in any human language to describe how much we love you and the gifts you are to your Dad and me. You truly are the lights of our lives, the sparkle in our eyes, and the center of our world. I hope you will someday truly grasp how enveloped in love you really are. And while I sometimes mourn how fast these days go, I do rejoice in your growth and I adore the little gentlemen you are becoming. You will, however, always be my babies. Happy 8th Birthday!
Beautiful post!! I must say, you are both pretty competitive at Monopoly. You must get that from your uncle Josh :)! Happy birthday to my not so baby nephews!! Love you both very very much!!
Tears are brewing in my eyes RIGHT now!
What a beautiful post... written so straight from your heart!
Happy Birthday to two boys that we admire and love to be with so very much! We're honored to be their friends! ... And yours. :o)
That being said, they DEFINITELY deserve a dog... or TWO. :o)
Mark and Ann,
This is a great tribute to the parents you have been for Jack and Noah. Know that your two children would not have possibly progressed as they have without your guidance and direction. Your family is a pleasure to be around and we always are excited to spend time with you.
Thanks for sharing this great post and God Bless!!
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