We just returned from our last camping weekend of the season . . . sigh. It's always hard to close out the season - every fall, as I'm emptying the camper for the winter, I find myself wondering: when we get this camper out again, where will we be? What will be going on in our lives? Will next season be as fun and successful as this one? And lately I'm becoming more and more aware of this question - how long will it be before the kids become too busy to do this, or not even want to go anymore? I can't even imagine. Sigh again . . . . Despite my current Sunday evening melancholy mood, we had a wonderful weekend - more fantastic weather, (fall camping is absolutely the best), perfect location, wonderful friends and we even got in some time with my family. This last trip was to Spearfish - we wanted to check out the fall colors in the canyon, and we were not disappointed - wow, what spectacular scenery God painted for us.

Enough said.
So, in honor of our last camping weekend, I thought I would show you all the things I love about camping:

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