Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Closing a Chapter . . . .

Well, today marked a major milestone in my life - I attended my very last MOPS meeting. When I walked out of the church today and the doors closed behind me, so did a huge chapter in my life. I'm sitting here sort of in shock that it's all over - I've been dreading this day for the past week, so all at once I'm glad I finally got it over with and can move on, but yet it's so hard to let go. To say that MOPS has had a profound effect on my life is an understatement. When I walked into that church 5 years ago, I didn't know a soul there - or anyone in Rapid City for that matter - and if you would have told me on that day that I would be leaving MOPS 5 years later as the Coordinator, I would have told you that you were completely insane. Through MOPS these past years, I grew as a Christian, as a woman, as a mother, as a wife, and grew some wonderful friendships with some really amazing women. I am so incredibly thankful for this experience. Now, I can't imagine my life without it, although I know God has something else in store for me next - I just have to trust that it will be as wonderful as this has been.

I'm learning I hate milestones. I'm a sentimental fool, and these things just get the best of me. I struggled through today, and now next on my list is Kindergarten graduation on Friday morning. I don't know how I'll get through that! To think that my babies will be in 1st grade next year is really more than I can get my head around right now, so somehow I'm going to have to withdraw and shut down the ol' emotions on Friday. Uggh. And THEN, the boys turn 7 in two weeks - instead of being able to happily celebrate their birthdays, I seem to mourn the fact that yet another year is gone - why is that?!? I think something's wrong with me . . . This area of my personality clearly needs some work. Wish me luck.

Backing up a bit, last Friday the boys had their track meet (against all the other Christian schools in Rapid - over 500 kids participated), which really ended up to be a lot of fun and Jack discovered he LOVES track (which really was no surprise to Mark and I - this kid has loved running since he was two). Anyway, first up was the softball throw, in which Noah took 2nd and Jack took 3rd - unfortunately they competed in the same flight - not good for the sibling rivalry issue we have! Anyway, here they are in the throw (Jack first, then Noah):

Then they competed in the 100 meter dash - again both in the same heat - here were the results: (Noah 2nd, Jack 1st)

Next up was the 200 meter dash, and this time they got to compete in different heats (yeah!):

(Jack doesn't look to happy or anything, does he?)
There's Noah, headed for the finish line:
Last of the day was the 400 relay - here's their relay team, with their results: Jack was the anchor (the last one on the team to run), and as you can see, he's determined to finish first:
And here they are with their teachers, who were just awesome - they would literally run the last 10 meters or so, with the kids, along the sidelines, over the finish line. They were just the best!
Immediately after the track meet, we left town for MN, arriving at Mark's parents house around midnight - ugghhh!! Had a great time during our short trip, though! Got to spend some time with Mark's brother and his family, and attended Mark's cousin's wedding. It was a great evening. Noah and Jack LOVED the dance, which we figured they would, and they were happy to see firsthand exactly what they would be doing in Uncle Josh's wedding in September (ushering). Noah got really excited about the "costumes" they'll be wearing :). He especially liked the really shiny black shoes - too funny. Jack developed his first "crush" during the evening - Mark's cousin's girlfriend (Abbey) - she's fantastic with kids and Jack attached himself to her for the whole evening. She was so kind and so patient with him, it was so sweet. At one point, they were sitting together having the most serious conversation and I asked Mark what he thought they were talking about - he said "probably Webkinz." :) Afterwards, we asked Jack what he was talking to Abbey about and he said "Webkinz and claw machines!" Ahhh, a "date" with a 6 year old!! Anyway, here's some photos of the evening:
Here they are, all handsome and ready to go:

Here's the infamous Abbey - the object of Jack's affection for the night:

Having the in-depth conversation:

And dancing with her (like I said, she was very patient):

Here's Mark and his gorgeous cousin, the bride:

And here's Noah dancing with the bride:

As you can see, he enjoyed himself:

And here's Jack with Mark's Aunt Darcy - mother of the bride. Darcy - you looked absolutely spectacular!!!

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