"Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." Mark Twain
(Jack doesn't look to happy or anything, does he?)
There's Noah, headed for the finish line:Last of the day was the 400 relay - here's their relay team, with their results:
Jack was the anchor (the last one on the team to run), and as you can see, he's determined to finish first:
And here they are with their teachers, who were just awesome - they would literally run the last 10 meters or so, with the kids, along the sidelines, over the finish line. They were just the best!
Immediately after the track meet, we left town for MN, arriving at Mark's parents house around midnight - ugghhh!! Had a great time during our short trip, though! Got to spend some time with Mark's brother and his family, and attended Mark's cousin's wedding. It was a great evening. Noah and Jack LOVED the dance, which we figured they would, and they were happy to see firsthand exactly what they would be doing in Uncle Josh's wedding in September (ushering). Noah got really excited about the "costumes" they'll be wearing :). He especially liked the really shiny black shoes - too funny. Jack developed his first "crush" during the evening - Mark's cousin's girlfriend (Abbey) - she's fantastic with kids and Jack attached himself to her for the whole evening. She was so kind and so patient with him, it was so sweet. At one point, they were sitting together having the most serious conversation and I asked Mark what he thought they were talking about - he said "probably Webkinz." :) Afterwards, we asked Jack what he was talking to Abbey about and he said "Webkinz and claw machines!" Ahhh, a "date" with a 6 year old!! Anyway, here's some photos of the evening:
Here they are, all handsome and ready to go:
Here's the infamous Abbey - the object of Jack's affection for the night:
Having the in-depth conversation:
Here's Mark and his gorgeous cousin, the bride:
And here's Noah dancing with the bride:
As you can see, he enjoyed himself:
And here's Jack with Mark's Aunt Darcy - mother of the bride. Darcy - you looked absolutely spectacular!!!
. . . is what would most accurately describe the status of our lives right now! Here's my day today:
And today is just the tip of the iceberg for the next few days! Tomorrow we have the boys' all-day track meet, and then as soon as we can get them out of there, we get to jump in the car for an 8 hour drive to MN - Mark's cousin gets married on Saturday. Sunday morning we'll jump back in the car and race home so the kids can attend the birthday party of a very dear friend at 4:00 p.m. We wouldn't make that effort for anyone other than this little girl, whom Jack and Noah just adore.
Anyway, we'll continue at this pace through next week - the last week of school (done on Friday!), the last week of MOPS (done on Tuesday!), the last week of sorority (done on Wednesday!), the last week of Mark's small group (done on Thursday!) and then, I'm hoping life will come to a screeching halt!! It's amazing how even when you make genuine efforts to keep your schedule under control, it still gets away from you. I'm actually looking forward to our car ride tomorrow, when we can all CHILL out and relax.
Now on to my latest pet peeve - although that's a mild term for how I'm really feeling, my blood pressure was through the roof tonight: Since when did kids sports get so out of control?!?!? Is it really necessary to push these little 5, 6, 7 year old little kids so hard?? With soccer, we were supposed to have 2 practices and 2 games per week - WHAT?!? Luckily I was married to the coach this season and he didn't go along with the League recommendations (thanks sweetie!). Plus, we were expected to play in rain, sleet and snow, 50 mph winds, 25 degree weather - you name it, you just don't cancel. Ever. Ridiculous. My new term for the Rapid City Youth Soccer League is the Soccer Nazis. Thankfully we're done with soccer, but are just starting our season of baseball, and it's already out of hand - as you can see from our hour-and-a-half-plus practice tonight. Mark left at 7:15 and they still weren't done. Unbelievable. And this coach has scheduled 3 practices per week for the rest of the month - HA - he's got another thing coming. He's met his match with me - no way are my kids going to spend that kind of time on baseball. Anyway, I'll get off my soapbox, but I think the people in charge of these leagues need to get some perspective (and GET A GRIP!) . . . .
Okay, now for the last item on my to-do list for today . . OFF TO BED! (My favorite part!)
Yep, that's a Vikings jersey from Noah - an Adrian Peterson one to be exact - he wanted me to have one just like him and Jack and Mark; and you can't see it very well, but Jack got me my own Webkinz - the schnauzer. He's way cute, and Jack's so excited for me to "do Webkinz" with them. He warned me, though, saying "you can't sit on Webkinz (the website) all day while we're at school!!"
Last week was a busy week at school for the kids - on Tuesday, we had soccer, which ultimately ended up being our last game, since Saturday's was cancelled. Here's coach Mark with his team - a great group of kids, it's too bad the weather didn't cooperate much this season!
On Wednesday, the kids performed their circus musical, which was just adorable:
They also finished Awana on Wednesday night - had an awards ceremony and they each received an award for finishing their books. On Friday, my dad came and did a presentation for both their classes on seashells - he's become an expert after spending many, many weeks on the beaches of Sanibel Island, FL. He does a great presentation and gave each of the 34 kids a big bag of shells to take home. He was a huge hit, and I was so proud!! (So were Jack and Noah!)
Now we're headed into the 2nd to last week of school - amazing. I have my last MOPS Steering Team meeting on Tuesday morning - we're all going for coffee for an end of the year treat. Friday, the boys have their track meet they've been training for during gym class - it's an all day event. Friday we also leave for Willmar for Mark's cousin's wedding - this will be the kids' "first" wedding, so we're excited to see how they'll do with the dance, etc. It will all be good practice for Uncle Josh's wedding in September!
Have a great week . . . . . .
And here's Jack and Noah, lounging around watching cartoons, looking really bummed about not having school today:
Here's a drift right outside our front door (hard to tell, but it was about 3 ft. deep) . . . .
Early in the evening, the plows finally came through, which we were thankful for, but they did leave a nice little mess at the end of the driveway - a 3 ft. mound of snow. Jack and Noah were all excited to finally get their snow gear on - they've waited ALL winter to do this - and carve out a path for the suburban. They obviously had some help from Dad, but they had a great time, playing outside for almost 2 hours.
Anyway, we made use of the day by relaxing, playing some games, etc. but by the end of the day we were all a little stir crazy. We'll be heading out to do SOMETHING right away in the morning! :)
Conversation between me and Jack tonight:
Jack: "How long does it take to grow up?"
Me: "Not long enough - why?"
Jack: "Because I want to be a claw-machine professional when I grow up!"
Oh great, this is why we're paying for private school! :) When he says "claw machine," he's talking about those money pits you see at the entrance to various restaurants, grocery stores, WalMart - where you maneuver the claw in an attempt to pick up a stuffed animal. Jack's become slightly obsessed with these, and has managed to collect 6 animals from them over the past several months. He even has strategies! I'm thinking I need to start worrying about this . . . .
Happy weekend!