We are hoping for a blessedly normal weekend around here . . . normal stuff, like hanging out together as a family, a soccer game, a birthday party, a dinner at Grandma and Grandpa's. In the not-so-distant past, I've found myself agitated when things become too routine, kinda boring and not very exciting. God has shown me, however, in the last few weeks, what a gift "normal" can be. Wow, how we overlook that! I've been following the story of a young mom in Sioux Falls (age 27, I think) - a dearly loved kindergarten teacher with a husband and 3-year old daughter. This young mom was diagnosed with stomach cancer at Christmas. Her website is www.caringbridge.org/visit/meganoconnor. Last night, only 4 months later, she lost her battle, and my heart is absolutely broken for not only her, but her family, and especially that tiny 3 year old little girl who won't know her mommy. I know God has a plan for all of them, but oh my word, does my heart hurt for their situation.
So, I'm now determined to look at each day of "boring-ness" as a true gift from God. I'm so unbelievably thankful that I'm here to break up Jack and Noah's fights, that I'm here to clean up their messes, do their laundry and deal with their pickiness at dinner time and even deal with bad attitudes, bad manners and grumpiness. Those are blessings, because I was picked to go through that stuff with them and ultimately I get to revel in their big hugs and kisses and "I love yous". How lucky I really am!
And my last thought for the day - for crying out loud, parents, make your children wear helmets - no matter how hard they fight you on it - learn something from Cayel's accident. This was so preventable, which is what is so frustrating! This is going to be my new cause - helmets!! :) Only one spill off a bike, skateboard or skates, and your life could instantly be changed forever.
Anyway, give your kids a hug and have a great weekend!
Very well said!
Thanks for the site update...been praying for his family...Mom, Dad and future Step-Dad.
Both our boys have helmets, though Maynard might need a new one soon..getting small on his big ol head, have to take the little fitter-pads!
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