We have been trying to get back to normal around here this week - we all had the post-vacation blues on Monday, but made ourselves busy right away so that helps! Monday we had kindergarten check-ups, which was a barrel of laughs (NOT). TWO shots were required (I had only prepared the boys for one!). Noah did pretty good, but Jack raised the roof - screamed so loud he had to have scared every child in the clinic. On the more positive side, Jack was 49 pounds (75th percentile) and Noah was 54 pounds (95th percentile). Both were 46.5 inches (70th percentile) - exactly the same height. Kinda funny.
Tuesday we had the final gymnastics lesson until fall session starts, then had haircuts in preparation for school, and then hit the fair in the afternoon/evening. We were knocked off our socks this year - historically, Jack has been the daredevil and Noah the play-it-safe kinda guy. This time, Noah was hitting all the rides with no fear, and Jack didn't want to do anything but the big slide. What happened? We were shocked. Interesting how personalities can change!
Yesterday we had our in-home visit with the boys' teachers (separate classes this year!), and that went AWESOME. Some of my anxieties about this year have been put to rest after spending time with them - we feel so blessed that the kids are in such a good school with such fantastic teachers. Mrs. Withee and Mrs. Casey spent over an hour here, explaining lots of things, and letting the kids drag them around to their bedrooms and playroom, showing them all sorts of things. I've realized what bothers me the most is not that the kids will be gone all day, but the fact that this significant era of our lives has come to an end - they are taking their first big step out into the world and the baby/toddler/preschool years are done - days that we'll never get back. Uggh, I can't stand it.
Anyway, today we got started on our MOPS year with a pre-registration event - not a great turn-out but it was good to get the steering team together again anyway. Now we have an upcoming weekend of lots of NOTHING! Yeahhhhhh! This will be the first weekend in 11 weeks that we don't have ANYTHING on the calendar. It's such a great feeling!!
I'm closing with some pictures from our vacation . . . .
On the pontoon . . .

Noah (then Jack) getting thrown off the pontoon . . .
Mark and Noah on the jet ski . . . .

Jack's fish!! Proud moment!

At the waterpark . . .

Both got one!

I caught THREE of these bass!

Getting ready for our trail ride . . .

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