Never ones for boredom, we're also squishing in a camping trip this weekend with several friends from church - so I'm trying to get things ready for camping too. I think I've lost my mind. We get back into our house next Thursday and then leave the following day for a weeklong vacation on a lake in Minnesota with the Horak family. So, from now until August 20th, we will have a total of 3 nights at home. UNBELIEVABLE! What were we thinking? Going to think twice before we schedule ourselves in this tight again! :) The blessings are that staying at my mom and dad's is very relaxing and we are very much looking forward to the vacation afterwards.
Nine days after we return from Minnesota, the kids start school - which has given me a pit in my stomach that won't go away. I still have a month left and I'm already having anxiety issues about Kindergarten (keeping in mind it's all day, every day) - how am I going to survive September? It's just not possible that my 6 years at home with the kids are already gone . . . .So, if you don't see an update on here for a while, that's why! I'll sign off with a picture I took last week at Bear Country (been there 5 times this summer now!) - this guy is my inspiration - I hope to someday soon be as relaxed as he is!!

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