We've just been busy with normal, daily life around here, thankfully. We had a nice Easter, a peaceful Mother's Day weekend at home, closed out the Awana year, I finished BSF and a major project at church, soccer season is in FULL swing, and we're wrapping up the school year with all the craziness that May brings.
A few weeks ago, the kids had a major project at school - biographies of a historical figure (chosen from a list of teacher-selected options). They had to write a report, find pictures/artifacts relating to their person, and then dress up like them for their "Living Museum" presentation. Each of the kids had their own "booth" and the rest of the school, families, and friends could come through and tour the museum.
Jack was Harry Houdini. He spent the afternoon doing magic tricks for the visitors. His booth was a huge hit.
Jack doing magic tricks:
Noah discussing Daniel Boone:
Next up was an all-day field trip to Wind Cave National Park. It was quite the day . . .
The first 2 1/2 hours of the trip were spent hiking around the prairie. In 40 mph winds. And about 48 degrees. Wind Cave Nat'l Park earned it's name that day.

Then after lunch we got to the fun part. If you aren't claustrophobic. 21 stories underground.
We went down, and down . . . .

and down some more . . .
It was an amazing cave - 160+ miles underground, if you can get your head around that. We only saw a small portion, obviously, and now the kids want to go back this summer.
Tomorrow is the last day of anything resembling school work - they are dissecting owl pellets and erupting their homemade volcanoes. Tuesday morning is consumed with the school talent show (both Jack and Noah will be playing piano) and Tuesday afternoon we all go ice skating. Wednesday morning they have chapel and awards and then are all done!!!
Another little thing to note - neat story about Jack - this morning in church I had to do a little "appreciation" announcement and gift presentation for our Awana commander - - and that kind of thing absolutely ties me up in knots. The mere thought of getting up in front of 500 people and talking about does me in. Well, Jack decided he wanted to be a part of it. Meaning come up front with me and do part of the talk . . . can you imagine?? So, I wrote him into it, and he did the "opening" and the "closing" of the presentation - - like a professional. Oh my word, I cannot describe how proud I was of him. It was amazing. It's times like that I sit and watch God in action and ache with curiosity about what He's got planned for my kids . . . .