As I was working around the house the other day, I realized I have something in nearly every room of this house that just makes me happy looking at it. Which is important to us stay-at-home moms who can get weary of the day-to-day picking up, laundry, cleaning, etc. And don't get me wrong, I totally do not place a big importance on "things" - we would obviously be very happy without any of these, but these just happen to be my current pick-me-ups:
These little cuties - they have springs in them so they bounce around. They make me laugh.

More Easter decor . . . .

This pile of animals on Jack's bed. He sleeps with them. ALL of them.

This mix of things on Noah's nightstand. It changes weekly. This boy is a COLLECTOR and likes to have his stuff OUT -
everywhere - where he can see it. I used to grumble about dusting his room, but now I've learned to appreciate that's just who he is. And it makes me smile.

This random binder full of paper. Which actually isn't a random binder full of paper. Those are my COMPLETED lessons from the book of Isaiah. Which are covered with blood, sweat and tears. (Not literally, thankfully). An enormous amount of work is represented there. And it encourages me to look back and see how far I've come. And it's my reminder to pray that those words would be engraved in my mind and heart so that I won't forget what I've learned.

And these shoes that were a treat to ME and are just all kinds of cuteness. There probably isn't another soul who would think so, but I do. They're totally me.

These frames I found online. That I ADORE. And I adore the people in them even more. :)

My boy playing piano. Oh, I wish you could hear him. He's so good. Mark and I totally believe he has a gift. The hard part is getting him to believe it - he's contemplating quitting. Which I think is just summer knocking at the door and he's ready for a break, because he just sits down and starts playing - without being told. Stuff that isn't even in his lessons. So I have to believe there's a part of him that enjoys it.

These little bad boys. Oh my. All sorts of yumminess. And a reminder we have great neighbors (who brought these over). She's started trying new recipes and uses us as test subjects. Awesome.

Murphy. This dog is all sorts of SILLINESS. So cute, so well behaved, so well trained, such a cuddler, so funny - and yet pretty sick, we think. He's on a life-long medication for tummy issues, so we don't know how many years he has, but we're sure enjoying him while we have him.

And this reminder of such dear friends that we were let in on a surprise like THIS. Wow. No, these weren't for me. But we got a part in this story, which I hope to tell sometime once I get permission. :) In the meantime, it makes me so thankful for the people God places in your path.