What a week! We have had SO many things going on lately, my head is spinning half the time. Updates:
Last WeekendUncle Josh and Aunt Marcy graciously invited Jack and Noah to come have a "date" with them on Friday night. They were SO excited, and had a blast of course. Bowling, pizza, Monopoly, staying up late - perfect! And it was so funny, when we went to pick them up on Saturday, Jack had tears in his eyes - when I asked why, he said he didn't want to come home. I didn't take offense - I was just glad he obviously had a MARVELOUS time. :)
Meanwhile, Mark and I had our own date! First to Red Lobster for dinner, and then to Marley and Me. I didn't want to go because I kept hearing about how SAD it was, but I was pleasantly surprised. VERY cute movie - and sad, yes, but not unbearable. I highly recommend it.
Single MomsI have a new appreciation for them. Mark was gone on a business trip Sun. night and I was miserable. The house seems very big and empty without him here - even with the kids. And of course, wouldn't you know, we had the worst wind we've ever had that night. I laid in bed awake until 1 a.m. worrying about the stupid picture window and the roof. The NOISE also contributed to my insomnia.
Uggh. It really is unbelievable. Plus I made the mistake of letting Noah sleep with me - I woke up at 5 a.m. with his feet on my pillow up against my cheek - ?!? We have a king size bed for crying out loud. The child
always manages to sleep perpendicular. And I didn't sleep much again after that. I sleep better knowing there's someone in the house to take care of all of us, I guess. I also admire you military moms - you guys rock and are stronger women than I.
A Sad GoodbyeOur friend from church passed away last Thursday (I talked about him a few posts back - the young guy with brain cancer). I attended the funeral on Monday, and it was heartbreaking. Quite literally. Absolutely beautiful and touching, but so, so very sad. I think my heart will always carry a bruised spot for his mom. The amount of grief she has endured in the past several years is totally unimaginable. But yet this woman RADIATES Jesus. She is always smiling. Always. She always has the most kind, positive things to say, and she is always full of HOPE. No matter what her circumstances are. I came home and smothered Jack and Noah in hugs and kisses and wondered why it is I am blessed with two amazing kids and a loving husband, and she has been left alone. One thing I do know, when this woman gets to heaven, her crown will be one of the most glorious there.
Cub ScoutsNot sure if I've ever mentioned the boys are in Cub Scouts this year. They earned a badge on Tuesday night, so I had to post a few pics of them looking adorable in their uniforms:

The InaugurationUmm, yeah. Maybe it would be better if I kept my mouth shut on this one. Let's just say after watching a small amount of it yesterday, I felt like vomiting. I will say this - I wanted to cry as I watched President Bush's plane take off and leave for Texas. I wanted to scream "
don't go!!" I just kept thinking - now THERE was a great man. Wasn't in the office to be popular, just tried to do what was right for our country. And he protected us for 8 years. We'll just see how long Mr. Obama is able to do that.
Our Weather
Despite all the wind, here's one of the reasons I love it here - you can clean your garage in the middle of January. And that's exactly what I did today. It was 65 and BEAUTIFUL. Once I was done with the garage I was so motivated I then cleaned the Suburban. And loved every minute of it because I was outside in a tshirt. Gotta love January in SD.
As much as we like the weather here, we are heading for "greener pastures," so to speak, on Saturday a.m. The beach on Sanibel Island, FL awaits us. We'll spend a week there with both sets of our parents. WE CAN'T WAIT. I've been losing my mind trying to keep us all healthy. I'll let you know how that works out for us. :)
The Stock Market
Mark's losing HIS mind again. The poor guy is really taking a beating at work. Wells Fargo stock tanked. Yikes. Keep him in your prayers.
I just keep reminding him that Obama will fix it.