"Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." Mark Twain
Okay, moving on . . . I LOVE this placemat - I've discovered there's all sorts of cute things you can do with placemats, not just eat on them - this one was like a buck at Target last year on clearance:
I call these my "Whoville" trees - they're all sparkly and glittery, hard to tell in the picture:
Here's my beaded penguin family - 4 of them, of course!
And yet another cute placemat that isn't being used as a placemat. Oh, and the trees are RED, not pink like the picture makes them look.
Now we have a really short 2-day week before heading to MN. I plan on spending a lot of time this trip relaxing and NOT dreading the rush of December. I love it when a plan comes together . . . .
Here's the massive snowman they built with Dad . . . .
While we were out for lunch today, Jack lost yet another tooth (the bottom left hole - he's now missing a total of five) . . . .
. . . . which reminded us of all the crazy times this child has lost his teeth! The first one he ever lost he swallowed while eating a pretzel at the pool; another he lost on the night before Easter, so the Tooth Fairy AND the Easter Bunny came that night; he lost another at the Grand Canyon; and another just minutes before my brother's wedding. Too funny. I don't know how the poor kid manages to eat. His top ones are finally coming through, thank heavens.
A nice side effect of this storm was that one of Mark's best buddies from CO was traveling through town on Wednesday night on his way to MN and ended up getting stuck at a local hotel on the interstate. He literally couldn't even make it through town to our house until today, and is now staying the night with us - his third night in town, which is 3 more than he planned on spending here! The interstate finally opened again a couple hours ago, so he'll be on his merry way in the a.m. We really enjoyed seeing him for a while -
A bonus was that Grandpa and Grandma got to go trick-or-treating with us!On Saturday, Mark got a birthday breakfast at the Colonial House, then relaxed and watched some college football with his dad. We had his little "party" in the afternoon, since the kids had a birthday party to go to in the evening.
And here was his next surprise: