WOW, we had a crazy week last week - and especially the weekend! It's just been one thing after another - we made it to all 8 parties last week (that I mentioned below), and everything else we had on the calendar. Amazing - I didn't think we'd get it all done! The kids did great with all the events, but got pretty worn out. Noah, who hasn't napped in months, has had naps on Sat., Sun. and today after school. He needs it!! The highlights of the week were the kids' two Christmas programs - school and church and a party we had here last night for church, which was really fun. The kids also attended two birthday parties (which we may have skipped, but they were for two of Jack and Noah's favorite people so we couldn't miss!)
Anyway, by the time everyone was gone last night and we'd cleaned everything up, I was so happy and at peace that we made it through an insane week and that now Christmas can just be about family. Nothing on the calendar this week (except my MOPS party tomorrow morning) and it feels SO GOOD. This morning I worked in Noah's classroom for a little while, came home and leisurely read the Sunday paper, then did a little wrap-up shopping - it was a such a great, non-stressful day! Tonight we're having our own little Monday Night Football family party - the kids have been looking forward to this all day - the Vikings play . . . . hmmm, someone . . . shoot, can't remember, Mark wouldn't be very proud of me! :) Anyway, I'm making the kids favorites for supper, and they had naps after school so we're going to let them stay up and watch the game. Then I gotta keep wrapping and start thinking about packing. We leave for Minnesota on Thursday afternoon - having Christmas with Mark's family over the weekend and returning home on Sunday to have our first Christmas at home. Kinda hard on our families, but we felt it was important for the kids, so we're looking forward to starting a few traditions of our own!
Closing with several pictures . . .
Here's Jack and Noah in front of our 10 foot tree - initially I thought it was way too big, but now I love it. Jack says he wants to leave it there permanently . . .

The school Christmas program - I can not describe how adorable this was - all the kids were dressed up as some part of the nativity. The amount of effort that went into this program was just staggering. Both Jack and Noah were sheperds. Jack is the last kid you can see on the right (maroon with gold sash), and Noah is in dark gray, to the above-left of the star sitting in the chair.
Jack doing the bells . . .
Noah doing the motions to the cutest Christmas song I've ever heard - a tear-jerker!

At church, right before their program on Sunday.
Jack saying his lines (couldn't get one of Noah, I had a bad angle!)

Hope you have a great week!