"Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." Mark Twain
The school Christmas program - I can not describe how adorable this was - all the kids were dressed up as some part of the nativity. The amount of effort that went into this program was just staggering. Both Jack and Noah were sheperds. Jack is the last kid you can see on the right (maroon with gold sash), and Noah is in dark gray, to the above-left of the star sitting in the chair.
Noah doing the motions to the cutest Christmas song I've ever heard - a tear-jerker!
At church, right before their program on Sunday.
Hope you have a great week!
We're headed into our last fairly "normal" week before Christmas - starting next weekend, the calendar really gets crazy. Hope to enjoy some peaceful moments before then! Closing with a few of our favorite ornaments - obviously this one would be MARK'S:
This one is Jack and Noah's - it's lights flash along with the music it plays -
Happy Thanksgiving from the Roisums! We are enjoying the holiday at my mom and dad's house in Spearfish - drove up here last night after Mark got done with work, right before the snow hit - it snowed quite a bit last night here in the hills, and it's BEAUTIFUL! Had a nice evening last night of pizza and games, and now today we are watching the Macy's parade and lounging around. The whole Horak family is here, so we're just enjoying being all together. I can't believe it's Thanksgiving, that there's snow on the ground, and that we will be getting our Christmas tree tomorrow! Unbelievable. And I "officially" get to start the Christmas music tomorrow! :) Can't wait.
Anyway, hope you all have a wonderful day filled with many thankful thoughts!
Noah stuffing his dog at Build-a-Bear
Jack operating the stuffing machine . . .
On a ride at the Mall of America:
At the zoo:
Sporting the 3D glasses:
Jack getting ready to "pounce"
Wednesday we headed home! I then spent Thursday and Friday just trying to get caught up - my goodness, four people can create a lot of laundry in 6 days!!! We had a nice quiet weekend at home - Saturday we did some major cleaning/reorganizing in the playroom/family room area, which felt really good. We had to make room for Mark's Mall of America purchase - a LoveSac. If you aren't familiar, they are fancy adult-size "bean bags" except they aren't made of beans, they are full of foam. He wanted the biggest - an 8-footer - but it was almost impossible to move, so we settled on the next size down - the 6-footer. We love it - it's VERY comfy!!
Here's what it looked like right out of the bag:
Now we're off to a normal week, looking forward to my sister and her family coming on Saturday!! They'll be here through Thanksgiving weekend - partly at our house, and partly at my mom and dad's in Spearfish. Can you stand it - Thanksgiving is already almost here? Amazing!
And here's Mark's favorite Halloween decoration - we got it from a Roisum family friend for our wedding. (The mouth says ROISUM).
So that's what we've been up to! The next few weekends we don't have any plans, other than to spend time at HOME and get our to-do list done! It felt so good to wake up this morning knowing we don't have one thing on the calendar for the next two days - love it!!! Have a good weekend!!